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Mousy saw Gavin in the crowd. He was talking with Tyler. He must have also been invited, why? Then she looked around, all of the workers had been invited too. Gavin must have got his job back, good for him.

"Attention, all!" Mr Vernadoz called.

"It has came to my attention, that there is a new member of the mall security group."

Another? Mousy thought. Robot or animal? It must be robot, they never made announcements for new security guards, but they do for the robots. I wonder who they are!

"Their name is Albert."

Robby smiled. Mousy looked up at him.

"Is that our Albert? The shadow putty?"

"Who else?" Robby was grinning his head off as Albert shuffled towards Mr Vernadoz.

"Before we give Albert a warm welcome, I would like to thank Robby and Mousy for training Albert. Round of applause."

Before they could clap, Robby piped up, "actually, Mr Vernadoz, it was all Mousy. I was just there for safety."

It wasn't true. But they didn't know that. Mousy wouldn't let all the credit go to her.

"Actually, it was Robby. It was my idea, but he made it happen."

Robby glared at Mousy. He wouldn't let himself get all the credit.

"I object!"

Mousy and Robby started to fight. Albert split them up, and everyone started to clap for Albert. Good. Albert was the one everyone fighted for, when you think about it. You could think of it as, they all really wanted Albert to work for them. You also could have taken it as them trying to remove a pest, but oh well. Its all up to interpretation.

Albert isn't overworked. Mousy and Robby managed to get over their squabbling, with some help of course from both Albert and Tyler. Speaking of whom, Tyler and Gavin are good friends, and Gavin might tell Tyler his feelings soon. Or not, its not for us to decide. Mousy struggles not to blurt it out, but shes managing to control herself. Livvy and Romania are getting along well. Especially after Romania asked Livvy out. Emma is still caring for the robots and customers with extreme kindness, and helping Roberta get Robert out of his shell. Alls fine and dandy at Lucella mall.

All we have to do now is hope it stays that way.

The robots of Lucella mall (FINISHED STORY)Where stories live. Discover now