Torn in Two

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Torn in Two

Easily a heart can be torn in two

Loose the first true love

The ending of the first true feeling

They say they are sorry

That they don't want to hurt you

But little do they know your heart was split

It was split right down the middle

Half belongs to you

But the other, forever with him

The empty pain in your chest never dulls

It is even worse when you see him with another

He doesn't understand your hurt.

Or your best friend betrays you

The person you believed always had your back

But instead was stabbing you through

Another blow to the fragile heart

That tries to hold everything together

When everything it has known starts to crumble.

The heart is a complex thing

It pumps blood through your body

But almost more importantly it allows you to feel

Happiness, sadness,  joy, and hatred

Such opposite emotions from one small thing

But you must remember without it

You'd be empty.

A heart torn in two from pain

From missing what should be their's

From imagining what should have been

From longing to be whole again.

Alone a heart cannot be repaired

But when the poor heart meets another

Together they are able to become one again.

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