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I remember Revelations

The camera pulls up to e farm's barn building and under a tarp sat the Ecto-1

The camera cuts to Phoebe and Ozpin by a couple of school buses, trying to get a trap to open

And I looked as he opened the sixth seal

Ozpin walked over and tapped the top of the trap.

In a cave somewhere, a temple stretches out from a wall, causing it to crumble. Phoebe, Podcast, Trevor, and Lucky were seen at the farmhouse and then things all around Summerville, Vale, were shaking.

There was a great earthquake

Everyone around Summerville looked around as the earthquake continued.

Judgment day

The Ecto-1 was seen rushing around a corner, then a Terror Dog disintegrating and bright lights shooting out of it's eyes, Ozpin then being seen being chased through a Dust-Mart by a Terror Dog

There was then a large sky vortex over a mountain. Then Callie in some sort of fancy dress as wind was going crazy around her at the farmhouse.

Then, in a bookstore, the phone rings and the owner picks iy up.

"Neptune's Occcult." Neptune, the bookstore owner spoke

Phoebe, the caller, cleared her throat before saying, "I'm calling about what happened in New York."


Podcast was seen turning on a proton pack Phoebe had on followed by Phoebe turning on the Neutrona Wand for the pack. Then, Ozpin was seen in a Dust-Mart as a Mini Puft got out of a Stay Puft Marshmallows bag.

"There hasn't been a ghost or Geist sighting in 30 years."

The Mini puft fell onto the shelf. Ozpin then saw Mini Pufts on a Rumba and some messing around with a blender, causing him to raise an extremely confused eyebrow.

In Summerville, things were going crazy and all sorts of ghosts were seen causing general chaos. Trevor was then seen in a restaurant with Phoebe, Lucky, and Podcast.

"What is happening here?" Trevor questions

Several more things were seen sucha s Phoebe trying to shoot at a multi limbed ghost in some sort of a foundary. Then she was seen in the back of the Ecto-1.

"Our grandfather was a Grimmbsuter." Phoebe comments as she was then seen looking over a large pit with a glowing orange light hitting her face. "Something was coming and he knew it."

Something.with pale white skin was seen climbing out of a pit.


Ozpin was seen knocked to the ground as a ghostly dog-like specter shot out of the trap when it sprung open


Muncher, the name of the multi limbed ghost that looked like it was also part Grimm, turbned back adn shot out metal hitting the Ecto-1 causing it to swerve a little.


"I think we opened the gates of hell."

Trevor was seen with a shocked and concerned look on his face as some wind was picking up, then something was seenf rom above and a battle was ensuing, then two Terror Dogs were on pedastols in an underground temple, adn then there was a shot of the EEcto-1 with it's sirens on.

"Hey." The distinct voice of Jaune Arc was heard as Callie and Phoebe looked over and saw three men in jumpsuiuts with the nametags that read 'VASILIAS', 'ARC', and 'COAL' as the men drew out Neutrona Wands. "Have you missed us?"

In the back of the Ecto-1, some Mini Pufts got really excited and screamed a little as Podcast goes wide eyed while some familiar music plays in the background.



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