The Sonic Underground in Trick or Treat, Scooby-Doo! PREVIEW: "Ballroom Blitz"

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"I'm here for YOU!!!!!" Nefario boomed, summoning a fireball

Let's go!!

Everyone then immediately took off running, nefario hurling the fireball, everyone ducking out of the way luckily.

In the chaos, everyone had ducked around a corner and seemed to lose Nefario.

"On the bright side, at least Nefario's friends from the book didn't decide to join him." Velma comments

Oh it's been getting so hard, living with the things you do to me

Then, a hand tapped on Manic's shoulder. Then, everyone turned around and floating there, was the spirits of the rest of Misery Company!

My dreams are getting so strange, i'd like to tell you everything I see

"Quick, let's split up gang!!" Fred comments as a spurr of the moment idea

Everyone ran in different directions, Nefario and Soare pursued Fred and Sonic, Helga went after Velma and Coco, Daisy went after Sonia and Daphne, and Craggly and Rudy went after Shaggy, Scooby, and Manic.

Oh, I see a man in the back as a matter of fact his eyes were as red as a sun!

Soon, Daphne and Sonia found themselves cornered with Daisy approaching. In a panic, the two quickly ducked down a nearby path.

"I'm here for YOU!!!!" Daisy snarled

And the girl in the corner that no one ignored cause she thinks she's the passionate one!

Soon, Daphne came to a gap in the books on the bookshelf. Every time Daisy would do something, Daphne would copy.

Oh yeah!

It ended when Daisy took her head off, making Daphne nervously chuckle as she and Sonia continued running before Daisy jumped through the gap after them.

It was like lightning, everybody was frightening!

Manic, Scooby, and Shaggy were still running before they came to a stop when Craggly appeared.

"I am here for YOU!" Craggly said in his ghostly raspy voice

And the music was soothing, and they all started grooving!

"Me too!" Rudy responds

Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah!

The ghosts would pursue the three, going right past them as they were hiding in a Halloween display the library had.

And the man in the back said "Everyone attack!" and it turned into a Ballroom Blitz!

The two ghosts would leave and Scooby poked his head out, looking around.

And the girl in the corner said "Boy I wanna warn ya, it'll turn into a Ballroom Blitz!"

Scooby spotted a bowl of candy, and began trying to reach for it with his tongue.

Ballroom Blitz! Ballroom Blitz!

"Dude, ex-nay on the andy-cay!" Shaggy said with a strain so they wouldn't be discovered

"RWhat? RI got this." Scooby comments

Ballroom Blitz! Ballroom Blitz!

"Okay, but get us some too." Shaggy responds

However, Scooby's tongue would knock the bowl over, alerting the ghosts.

"Yoinks!!!" Shaggy yelped

The three immediately took off, with the ghosts giving chase.

Oh reaching out for something, touching nothing's all I ever do

Elsewhere in the library, Fred was on his own, trying to escape Nefario.

Nefario would throw a set of fireballs at Fred in an attempt to strike him down.

Oh I softly call you over, then you appear there's nothing left of you

However, Fred would dodge each one of the fireballs by jumping onto table, sliding under another one, adn swinging forward for a boost. Then, he'd take a moment, seeming like he was out of breath.

"I don't much more.....I can do." Fred comments

Nefario would rise up, Fred slowly turning around.

"I'm here for YOU!!!" Nefario spoke

Fred quickly grabbed a book and jammed it into Nefario's mouth and continued running.

"Just kidding!" Fred comments as he ran. "I was BUILT for this stuff! I'm gonna live forever!!"

Elsewhere in the library, Velma and Coco were on a modified book cart with rocket boosters, Coco looking at the boosters.

It was like lightning, everybody was frightening!

"Wow, you were able to miniaturize the turbo-pumps for the actuators??" Coco comments. "I'm impressed!"

And the music was soothing, oh yeah it was electric!

"Oh that was easy." Velma says. "The hard part was getting comfortable carrying rocket fuel and parts around all day unnoticed."

So chronically hectic, the band started leaving!

Velma thought for a second, not paying attention where they were heading.

"Wow, i'm being myself...." Velma comments

Cause they all stopped breathing!

However, Coco noticed wher ethey were heading.

"LOOK OUT!!!" Coco alerted

Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah!

They were heading right for some random kid looking at some notes.

"I hate coming to the library to do my homework..." The kid grumbled

The cart then slams right into the drawer, launching the kid and some notes through the roof.

And the man in the back said "Everyone attack!" and it turned into a Ballroom Blitz!

The kid landed right in a tree, groaning.

And the girl in the corner said "Boy, I wanna warn ya, it'll turn into a Ballroom Blitz!"

"AWESOME!!" The kid cheered. "Now I have an excuse to not do my homework!"

Ballroom Blitz!

In the library, everyone ran and met up in one of the smaller sections of a library.

"Like, what are we gonna do???" Shaggy questions

"Okay, gang, this is JUST like old times!" Fred comments. "Let's split up and-"

"WE JUST DID THAT!!!!" Everyone else shouts, cutting him off

The Sonic Underground in Trick or Treat, Scooby-Doo!


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