After realizing I can actually make trailer stories for future stories, I have decided now t do a multi story trailer story. Some will be shorter than others, and there won't be a cast list. None of the featured franchises re mine, they all belong t...
MJ, Peter, and Daphne were atop the roof of a building somewhere in New York, Daphne tossing MJ a newspaper.
"Oh look, this is a good one." MJ comments. "'Some suggest that Parker's powers include the male spider's ability to hypnotize females'."
Daphne rolled her eyes as Peter comments,. "Stop, come on!"
"Yes, my spider-lord." MJ comments in a joking manner
"Can we just, like, stay up here all day?" Peter asks. "It is so crazy down there."
Peter, dressed in his Spider-Man attire, was swinging through New York with MJ in his grasp as a broadcast from the Daily Bugle website was being played all around the city, being narrated by J. Jonah Jameson Jr.
"That's right, folks, Spider-Man is in fact Peter Parker!" Jameson stated
On one of the screens, a message flashed that said 'PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER 1!'
Then, Peter was in a police precinct, cuffed to the table, trying to plead his innocence.
"Listen, I did not kill Mysterio, the drones did!!" Peter pleaded
"The drones that are yours." The cop comments
Some folders were slammed down on the table next to Peter. Later, Peter and MJ were layign down, having a video chat.
"Does any part of you feel relieved about all this?" MJ asks
"What do you mean?" Peter asks
"Now that everybody knows, you don't really have to hide or lie to people." MJ stated
"For the record, I never wanted to lie to you." Peter responds. "but how do you tell someone you're Spider-Man? now everybody knows."
Some cops arrived to where Peter and Aunt May were staying and then Ned was seen at a police precinct, so was Aunt May.
'But this isn't about me, this is hurting a lot of people, and i've just been thinking about a way to fix all this'
Daphne, Velma, Fred, Shaggy, and Scooby along with Ned and Aunt May were seen in a police precinct.
Peter walked up to the Sanctum Sanctoum and met Dr. Strange.
"So Peter, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Strange asks
"I'm sorry to bother you, sir-" Strange starts
"Please, you and Daphne helped me save half the universe together, I think we're beyond you calling me 'sir'." Strange intercepts as he lights a fire place
"Okay.." Peter comments. "Stephen."
After a bit of silence, Strange responds saying, "That feels weird but i'll allow it."
Peter was then seen running through a building in a black adn gold version of his usual suit.
'When Mysterio revealed my identity, the gang an i's lives got screwed up'
Strange rose an eyebrow as he listened.
"I was wondering if you could make it so that he never did?" Peter added
That's when they heard Wong nearby.
"Strange, don't cast that spell." Wong sternly stated. "It's too dangerous!"
"Fine, I won't." Strange responded
When Wong stepped through a portal, Strange looked at Peter and winked.
When taking Peter down to the basement area of the Sanctum Sanctorum and began prepping up a spell.
"The entire world is about to forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man." Strange comments
"Wai-everyone???" Peter comments as he had walked over. "Can't some people still know?"
"That's not how the spell works." Strange comments
"o MJ's gonna forget about everything we've ever been through?" Peter comments
"Stop tampering with the spell." Strange said as the spell began breaking a little
"Ned, he's my best friend-oh, my Aunt May should really know." Peter comments
"STOP TALKING!!!!" Strange snapped, having to contain a spell in a way that made it temporarily look likea they were floating in space before being back where they were
Peter looked around and says, "What just happened??"
'we tampered with the stability of space time. The multiverse is a concept of which we know frighteningly little'
Various things were seen like a storm causing chaos outside an apartment building, Peter in the mirror dimension, and Peter looking as if he was in the middle of a battle with Strange as various trains surrounded him.
"The problem is you trying to live two different lives." Strange told Peter. "The longer you do it, the more dangerous it becomes."
Among what got seen was a bomb of some kind rolling out onto a bridge as an eerie cackle echoed.
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The bomb blew up, causing a bunch of destruction on the bridge before the view cuts to black.
Be careful what you wish for, Parker
Peter and Daphne's spider senses both went off when they were on the bridge, Daphne mostly in her Arachnid-Woman suit as she climbed out of the Mystery Machine and stood on the roof as Peter looked in the direction of the what was making their spider senses go off.
What came through the smoke of the chaos was......
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None other than Dr. Otto Octavious! Also known as Dr. Octopus or Doc Ock.
"Hello, Peter." Ock said as Peter got into a ready position and as did Daphne, Daphne in her full suit and Peter activating his nanotech suit