Pokemon The Blue Blurr: Robotnik's Revenge "Meet Knuckles"

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"I don' t know how you got back.....but you made a BIG mistake coming here." Sonic said as Robotnik stood there in the doorway

"Ooh, contraire, mon frere." Robotnik said. "The 'mistake' was thinking you'd won."

SoniC clenched a fist.

"I get it." Sonic grumbled

"I don't think you do." Robotnik responded as he stepped into the house. "But you're about to. And so will that idiot sheriff and his wife."

Sonic's fist began crackling with blue electric energy.

"AND YOUR LITTLE DOG, TOO!" Robotnik adds

Sonic took the jump, ready to punch Robotnik square in the face but he stepped out of the way and jumping up to punch HIM was some sort of echidna. When it landed the punch, Sonic was knocked through the wall, Ash and the gang ducking, and Sonic shattering the TV and launching him into the couch in the living room. Sonic sat up, seeing the echidna standing on the other side of the hole.

"Pitiful." The echidna said

"Who are you???" Sonic asked

Robotnik appeared on the other side of the hole as the mysterious echidna stepped into the living room

"Where......are my manners?" Robotnik said, smirking as he stepped into the living room as well. "Sonic, meet Knuckles. My new BFFAE, Bestest Fried Forever And Ever!"



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