After realizing I can actually make trailer stories for future stories, I have decided now t do a multi story trailer story. Some will be shorter than others, and there won't be a cast list. None of the featured franchises re mine, they all belong t...
In Hawaii, a remote island of Alola, Tom, Maddie, and Mightyena were among a group of people and Pokemon invited to Rachel, Maddie's sister's wedding.
"These rings signify the commitment..." The priest starts
However, Tom's phone began ringing, cutting the priest off.
"So help me Thomas!!" Rachel snapped
Tom pulled out his phone and said, "Sorry, sorry."
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Tom was confused greatly when seeing Sonic was calling. And when he answered, Sonic seemed panicked with what he was saying.
Sonic was snowboarding down somewhere, carrying Tails over his shoulder. Ash, Pikachu, Clemont, Serena, Bonnie, and Dedenne were on the back of Ash's Noivern
"LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION! I need you to use the ring to save us, like, right now!" Sonic explained
Tom used a ring, opening a portal to their location, there beign an abundance of snow heading for the ring.
"Snow my god..." Rachel muttered
"Oh boy." Tom said
Snow began pouring out the portal as everyone dove to the side as Sonic shouts, "IIIINNNNCOOMMINGGG!!!!!"
Ash's Noivern landed as Sonic sat up.
"Agh....Alola..." Sonic groaned
"I just hope we're not too late." Tails comments when being seen on a cliffside over Green Hills
Seeing Sonic and Tails, Rachel said, "Oh lord, there's two of them now!"
"What's happening??!???" Maddie asks
"Okay, the quick version is Robotnik is back!" Sonic explained
A blue beam was seen shooting through space followed by Robotnik's egg pod heading for earth and then it touching down somewhere in presumably Kalos, and him walking into Stone's coffee shop.
"I've discovered the source of ultimate power!" Robotnik said to Stone
Robotnik was seen putting his hands around a massive green emerald in some temple ruins. Then, Robotnik, Knuckles, and a bunch of drones were seen along the edge of a body of water followed by a green beam shooting up, Robotnik getting shocked by it and then Sonic standing at an edge, if not the same one at a later point, looking at a temple.
"We need to get it back or the world is doomed!" Sonic explains further to Tom, Maddie, and Mightyena
Knuckles was seen entering the mushroom planet through a ring portal and then punching through a semi-truck, walking into Stone's coffee shop.
"You brought some kind Quilladin?" Stone comments, confused
Knuckles grasped Stone's arm firmly and tightly, causing him to yelp in pain as he said, "I am an echidna warrior."
Robotnik took a sip of his latte and hums, "Hmm."
BASED ON SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2 FROM PARAMOUNT PICTURES's time to say goodbye to humanity!
The green sparking tornado was seen, being looked at by Tom, Maddie, Mightyena, Green Hills citizens. Then, a bunch of GUN soldiers appearing and aiming their weapons at Stone's coffee shop as Robotnik drifted out, giving off green sparks.
" the new norm!" Robotnik announced
All sorts of pieces of metal detached from helicopters, trains, tanks, and even the jet boosters from Team Rocket's Meowth balloon, causing them to fall face first to the ground. As Robotnik lifted into the air, a tornado was forming around and under him.
This is your moment to be the big hero
Sonic, Tails, Ash, PIkachu, Clemont, Serena, Bonnie, and Dedenne were in some ice filled caves with some owl ruins, Sonic shaking a little.
"bad time to say this, but I don't actually have a plan." Sonic said
Sonic flicked a few things on some ruins and a whole owl statue opened up before a small laser dot appeared on Pikachu's forehead.
"hey, uh, you got a little something on your.." Sonic starts
Ash touched the red dot before even more appeared, aiming right at them. They looked up to see Robotnik and an army of drones coming in from a hole with Knuckles hanging onto the side of Robotnik's egg pod.
"Someone call an Uber?" Robotnik comments. "it's cold in here. Let's turn up the heat!"
The pod launches a missile at Sonic.
"SONC!!!" Serena and Tails yelp
Sonic destroyed a few of the drones and grabbed a flattened drone body and began using it as a snowboard before Knuckles emerged from an explosion.
"Oh great, the winter soldier." Sonic muttered
Knuckles knocked Sonic into some trees.
Sonic was seen thwarting, or trying to thwart a bank robbery.
"Fear not, citizen!" Sonic said
"You are TERRIBLE at this!!!!!" A cop in the back of the bank van responds
"Your negative attitude is NOT helping!" Sonic responded
One of the crooks threw a bomb into a garbage truck or something and Sonic bolted over some cars, then Tom's truck was seen driving in somewhere damaged.
We stick together....
When the truck drove by a limping Sonic who picked up a green emerald, Ash's Greninja reached out of the bed of the truck and pulled Sonic and the emerald into the bed of the truck, narrowly avoiding the foot of a massive robot.
Tom was with a muddied up Sonic, trying to see if he can make him feel better for whatever given reason Sonic is initially upset.
" matter what." Tom adds
You are unskilled....
Sonic and Tails were in a plane while Ash adn the gang were on Noivern.
"HANG ON!!!!!" Tails shouts as they all swerve to dodge missiles launched at them by the giant robot
Rachel was seen in Alola, swerving a golf cart to a stop before getting out as she drew her finger across her neclkas an explosion was seen in the background. Then, Wade in Stone's coffee shop with Stone on a chair as Robotnik appeared under a bright light, staticing with green electrical energy, and his eyes gleaming green.
Knuckles was seen at Tom and Maddie's house, punching him right in the face, sending him right past Ash, Clemont, PIkachu, Bonnie, and Serena and landing in the front yard.
"You forgot one.." Sonic said, getting up. "Unstoppable!"
Sonic was then seen running on water, punching Knuckles through some old ruins and the two otherworldly creatures going at each other in some ruins.
Sonic was seen constantly dodging Knuckles's punches, much to the echidna's annoyance.
"STANDSTILLANDDIE!!!!!" Knuckles snapped
"For a guy named Knuckles, you are really bad at punching." Sonic said
Knuckles managed to get a punch in on the speedy hedgehog, knockign him into some nearby water.