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In an apartment in Central Vale, a mother, Callie, was giving her son, Trevor, a haircut.

"Mom, careful." Trevor comments. "Please don't get my hair on my breakfast."

"Almost done." Callie responds. "Aww...your mustache is starting to grow in."

"Mom." Trevor comments

Suddenly, the lights around the apartment began flickering, Callie looking around.

"Phoebe!!" Callie comments

She got up, accidentally cutting Trevor a little.

"Ouch." Trevor comments, checking the cut. "Aaandd i'm bleeding."

"Put on a bandage and your aura should heal that up." Callie responds as she walked to check what her daughter, Phoebe, was doing. "What in the name of the Land of Darkness are you doing?"

"The neighbor's electricity is getting low for some reason,, so i'm using our electrical power to equally split it amongst us." Phoebe comments as she continued whatever it was she was doing

"And you didn't think to ask me first?" Callie responds

"I mean, you did demonstrate your lack of interest and ineptitute of science." Phoebe says as she stood up. "You're better at other things. Like quesadillas. Your quesadillas are great."

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