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Vigo slowly formed and walked forward. Even though he wasn't fully materialized yet, his footsteps could still be heard.

"Uh oh....." Ren muttered

Once Vgo was in the middle of the main area in front of the painting he was once in, Neptune aimed his slime blower right at Vigo.

"Hold it right there, deadhead!!!" Neptune shouts, causing Vigo to look over. "You want a baby??? Go ahead and knock up some willing Beowolf. Otherwise i'm giving you three to get back in that painting where you belong!!"

Ren aimed his neutrona wand at Vigo.

"One!!!" Neptune started counting

Jaune then came out from behind the boxes he had set Norkos behind, aiming his neutrona wand at Vigo and added to the counting with, "Two."

After some silence and low growling from Vigo, Neptune finished the countdown.

"Three!!!" Neptune finished

Jaune and Ren then began shooting at Vigo and he thrashed around a little.

"You got him, you got him!" Neptune comments

Just then, Vigo let out a loud roar and all the Grimmbusters were knocked to the floor and sent back.

"That was really stupid..." Flynt mutters

Vigo then walked over to the boxes slowly.

"Neptune, can you move?" Ren asked, unable to move

"No." Neptune answered. "Are you okay?"

"No." Ren replied. "Arc, how are you??"

"I'm fine." Jaune comments sarcastically

Vigo, once reaching the boxes, used magic to slide them to the side revealing Norkos, he smiled a little.

"No!!! No!!! Norkos!!!!" Pyrrha shouts, still tangled up by the black cord from the lamp. "Please, do something!!!"

Once Vigo was back in front of where the Grimmbusters were sort of stuck to the floor, he let out a small growl.

"Not so fast, Vigo!! Hey, Vigo!!!" Jaune shouts, trying to get the Carpathian spirit's attention. "Yeah, you, the bimbo with my son."

Vigo looked over with a growl.

"Didn't anybody tell you the big shoulder look is out?" Jaune taunts, moving forward a little. "You know, I have met some dumber blondes than me in my life, but you take the taco, pal."

Vigo snarled a little.

"Only a CARPATHIAN, would come back to life NOW, and choose New York." Jaune further taunts. "Tasty pick, BONEHEAD!!!!"

Flynt, Ren, and Neptune all rose an eyebrow at Jaune's taunting.

"If you had brain one in that HUUGE melon on top of your neck, you would be living the sweet life out in Southern Mistral's BEAUTIFUL San Frenando Valley." Jaune taunted

Vigo let out an unholy roar and shot out some sort of magic, which not only paralyzed the Grimmbusters again, but filled their ears with a loud ringing noise.

"Oh darn it...,....oh darn it..." Jaune mutters

Vigo lifted Norkos into the air as he spoke in a demonic voice, "Now we become one...."

Just then, through the hole in the ceiling, singing could be heard. The positive energy from the singing caused Vigo to thrash around a little.

"Where's that singing coming from?" Neptune asked

"Sounds like it's the people outside." Flynt answered

Outside, the crowd was in fact singing. They knew that the Grimmbusters would need a lot of positive energy to win, so the whole city figured they would give it their all and give off positive vibes, especially since it was about to strike midnight.

Through the crowd came Oscar, having grabbed a spare proton pack from the firehouse when finding out that the Grimmbusters would need help and he went wide eyed at the slime covering the museum.

"I'm here with you guys." Oscar thought pulling out the neutrona wand and switching on the pack

Back in the museum, Vigo was thrashing around more and more.

"He's weakening!! The singing is neutrelizing the slime!!!" Ren pointed out

Within seconds after that, they all regained the ability to move.

"I can move!!!" Neptune exclaimed

Vigo lost his physical interaction ability and vanished. Jaune took this chance to catch Norkos and handed him back to Pyrrha after Pyrrha got herself untangled from the black cord from the lamp.

"It's okay, kiddo, dad and mom are here." Jaune said, rubbing his son's head

Vigo was nowhere to be seen as they all looked around. Just then, Vigo appeared back in the painting as his face got all distorted and demonic as the painting was now a portal of sorts to trap Vigo.

"He's back in the painting!!!" Ren called out

"Go find a shady spot." Jaune ordered Pyrrha

Pyrrha walked off to one of the other accessible areas of the museum that had some shade and sat down, still holding Norkos.

Vigo looked over at Neptune specifically and growled with his demonic red eyes.

"Vigie, Vigie, Vigie, you have been a bad monkey!" Jaune taunted, knowing not that Vigo could no longer do anything to him

Something had drawn Neptune over to the painting and he was completely silent.

"Uh, Neptune, we'd like to shoot the monster. Could you move please?" Ren asked

No response from Neptune.

"Neptune......" Jaune starts, however, no response

"Neptune...." Flynt adds, trying to get Neptune's attention, not getting a response either

"NEPTUNE!!!!" Ren, Jaune, and Flynt shouted at the same time

Just then, Neptune turned around, but he wasn't Neptune anymore. Vigo had taken full control of his body.

"No!!! I Neptune and Vigo shall rule all of Remnant." Vigo spoke from Neptune's body. "Begone you pitiful halfmen!!!"

"Now!!" Jaune signaled

Jaune and Ren shot at what was once the painting as Flynt shot the slime blower at the possessed Neptune. Meanwhile, outside, Oscar shot at the slime covering the museum, not stopping until he would see the slime destroyed. Until that point comes, he'll keep firing.

Back in the museum, the positively charged slime forced Vigo out of Neptune's body as Neptune fell to the side, passed out and Vigo was nothing more than a floating head, getting covered in the positively charged slime. The proton streams were directed onto Vigo and eventually, VIgo was sent back into the painting as they all stopped shooting and looked away from the explosion that came from Vigo's defeat, it somehow not destroying the painting.

Back outside the museum, all the slime came off of the walls and dissipated into the air, which made Oscar stop shooting and a smile formed on his face.

A/N: I know this isn't really the best way to reveal Vigo is left non recasted, but i've just gotta at least post this so I can have an easier less typo filled way of copy and pasting this into Grimmbusters II when I get to writing the final battle in the story itself.

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