UA Battle trials! Pt.2

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"There will be 10 teams, with 5 matches. As stated, your partner will be assigned to you randomly and your team role (I.E hero or villain team) will also be assigned to you randomly." All Might said. "I will take questions for the next 5 minutes. Then we will start."

"All Might, Can I be solo?" Izuku asked.

"Are you sure young Uzumaki? The Battle Trials are designed for teams. You would be at a major disadvantage." All Might asked.

"Yes, I am sure. Besides I need a good challenge!" Izuku said cockily.

"Okay, but if you lost don't blame me." All Might said. "Anyways it's time to make the teams. "

All Might then pulled out a device. "This will decide your teams and matchups," He said showing the device. All Might then pressed the button on the device and the teams were made.


A: Momo Yaoyorozu and Denki v. B: Shoto Todoroki and Jiro

C:Naruto Uzumaki (Izuku) v. D: Izumi Yagi and Katsuki Bakugo


etc...(Only gonna show Momo's and Izuku's fights the rest will be like the canon.)

There were mixed reactions in the class. With Izuku happy about his matchup believing it is time for him to get his revenge, but with Momo she felt scared and hopeless as she is fighting against people who are out of her league.

5 Minutes later

All Might led the students to the main HQ. Where he administered the trials.

"Okay! Welcome to the main HQ for the trials." All Might announced. "There will be one match at a time. The rest of you that isn't participating in the match will stay here and watch ur peers in battle! Hopefully, you learn something from them and learn from their mistakes!" All Might said

"The First matchup will be Team A versus Team B!" All Might said. "As stated before, the teams will have ten minutes to formulate a plan or hide the bomb."

Momo PoV:

I and Denki walked up to the building trying to formulate a plan to defeat the Villian team.

"So, what do you want to do?" Denki asked.

"I'm not sure." She admitted. "I don't think we can win." She said sadly.

"What? But your the smartest in the class!" Denki said. "If anyone could beat those 2 it would be you."

Momo then thought of an Idea. "Wait I got an idea, but it is kind of risky." She said.

"Risk? I like risks." Denki said.

"We have to get both of them in the same room. Once we do, you will zap them with all you got." I said.

"How about you?" Denki asked. "Your gonna get shocked to."

"Don't worry about that. I'm going to make an insulating blanket that will protect me from your lighting so you don't have to worry about me." She said sitting down to create the blanket.

Third-person Pov

"Time is over. The Trial commences. NOW!!!" All Might yelled.

Momo and Denki entered the Room and were about to try to start their plan, but they immediately were frozen.

"Hello, there," Todoroki said.

Momo looked at him surprised.

"Surprised? Well, it is only expected." He said confidently "I hid my strength during the Exams so that people couldn't see my quirk to its full extend."

He then looked at Denki. "Don't even try to use your lighting." He said "I froze both of you. Meaning she won't be able to pull out her blanket and will get hurt if you try to zap me."


Todoroki unfroze both of them and left them to think about their loss. With Momo there thinking she is a failure as she was outsmarted.

She went back to the Battle Trials HQ. Once she got there Izuku immediately tried to comfort her. Telling her that 'She did alright' and 'she impressed him.

10 Minutes later

"ALRIGHT, IT IS TIME FOR THE NEXT MATCH! Team C vs. Team D" All Might said. "As the match before you will have some time to prepare." All Might said.

Izumi and Bakugo walked to the top of the building. While Izuku was in the front of the building talking to Kurama about a plan.

"Kit, you have to one hit K.O them. We can barely maintain our Kurama mode." Kurama said.

"But I want to make them suffer for what they did to me," Izuku argued.

"Izuku, Listen to me. You HAVE to beat both of them in 1 hit. If we don't our Kurama mode will time out and you will collapse on the ground chakra depleted. Plus, don't try to beat them without Kurama mode. They are too powerful for that." Kurama said.

"B-bu-" Izuku said.

"No buts, besides beating them in one punch will be embarrassing for them. Anyways, it is time now. Get ready make sure you beat them in one punch as I said. Or I will punish you by removing your charka for a few weeks because you didn't listen to me." Kurama said strictly.

"Okay, I will beat them in one punch."

The trial started and Izuku immediately rushed in.

"Okay, Izuku gather both of them up and use all your power to defeat them," Kurama said.

"Are you sure that won't kill them? Even though I hate them I don't want to kill them." Izuku said.

"It won't, they are much more powerful than you think Izuku. With the power you have now, it will barely be enough to defeat them. You only achieved 1% of what my charka is able to do. So, the only way for you to win is to use a final move on both of them to win." Kurama explained.

Izuku not wanting to waste time and teleported to the floor they were at.

"Wow, you're here early. Ready for an ass-whooping?" Katsuki said cockily

Izuku not replying, got into a stance and immediately started charging up the biggest Kyybi infused Rasengan he could

"I'm going to beat you in one attack." Izuku declared

"Don't get so cocky!" Izumi yelled.

Izumi and Bakugo immediately launched their strongest attacks with Bakugo pulling his pin and Izumi using her telekinesis to create a giant fist towards Izuku.


The attacks clashed and created a giant dust cloud.

"Wow, they are insane! I wonder who won." Kirishima said.

The dust settled and they saw both of the Villian team and Hero team passed out.

"THEY BOTH ARE OUT THAT MEANS IT IS A TI-" All Might announced before he got interrupted by motion on the screen.

Izuku slowly rose up to his feet and rose his hand up high.


After All Might declared him the winner he immediately passed out and fell face-first into the ground happy that he finally beat his tormentors.


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1200 words! See you next chapter! (In a week or 2)

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