Class 1A President!

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Izuku woke and was greeted by a ray of blinding light. It was 3 hours after the battle trials and Izuku was currently residing in UA's infirmary.

He looked beside him and saw Bakugo and Izumi lying in two identical beds beside him.

"Up already sonny?" A mysterious voice said.

Izuku jumped up frightened and in a fighting pose while flaring some bloodlust.

"W-wait, I don't mean any harm," The Nurse stuttered.

Izuku looked at her and finally realized who she was. "Sorry for the scare recovery girl, I was just disoriented."

"It's fine, just try to not kill me next time," RG said sweatdropping.

"Will do!" Izuku said.

"Anyhow, you are free to go Uzumaki, just don't use ur quirk for the rest of the day. You need some rest, your body is quite stained from your little move from before." RG instructed. 

"Okay, thanks for the help Recovery Girl," Izuku said running off to his house.

The Next Day

"Hello class, today we are going to do another thing detrimental to your careers," Aizawa announced.

"Is it another test?" Denki asked scared.

"I can't handle another test, I'm still sore from yesterday," Urakaka said nervously.

"No it isn't another test, but y'all making me want to give you a test," Aizawa said annoyed. "We are going to be electing a class president and a vice president," Aizawa said.

"Excuse me!" Iya said.

"Shoot," Aizawa said.

"How are we going to be choosing a class president? Personally, I think the wisest option is to have a majority vote." Iya said doing his hand chopping.

"I don't know how you guys are going to pick a president, and I don't care, just pick a president and leave me alone," Aizawa said lying down and sleeping.

5 minutes later, after some chaos, the class finally decided to vote to elect the class president.

Iya then grabbed 21 pieces of paper and passed it out to the whole class.

"Write the name of the one who you want to vote for on the sheets of paper, and put it in this bin," He said pointing to the bin in his hand.

Once the whole class voted and put their papers in the bin, Iya tallied up the papers and revealed the President and the vice president. 

Izuku- 10 votes

Momo - 6 Votes

Izumi- 3 votes (She voted for herself and the bakugo twins did 2).

"WHAT?!?! WHO VOTED FOR THIS BLONDIE??!?" Katsuki said.

"Your blond too, dumbass." Uzumaki (Izuku) countered.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!" Katsuki said ready to fight Izuku.

"What are you doing to do? Bully me as you did to Izuku?" Izuku asked.

Katsuki lost his composure. "How do youth-" He said before being cut off

"Quiet down! Now that you have elected President and a Vice president you can have lunch." Aizawa said pissed off at the noise.

The class then walked out but was stopped by an arrogant blond from 1B.

"If it isn't the 'great' Class 1A." The blond said.


Thank you for reading my chapter please vote for it and share it with your friends. The Blond, which is Monoma will be very important to the plot and will be featured later in the story

Let's get 20 votes on this chapter before Monday, I know crazy goal, but we can do it!

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