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I've always liked cold rainy nights, the way small droplets of water fell onto the window, running down making little paths. When I was younger I would always imagine them racing I would excitedly jump up and down rooting for one of them to win.

Wind was starting to get violent, harshly pushing against the window I was in front of, in an attempt to break in. I found it soothing in a weird way, though as calming as rainy nights can be there was always something, something out there. No human, nor animal, perhaps it might be some sort of spirit, or a mythical creature.

I was always told to stay away whenever it rains at this time. Though I was always curious of what lingers in the shadows, there has been told stories of kids that have disappeared in the rain, people said that there were always evil beings ready to take away kids who didn't listen and entered the shadows, yet I never believed those childish stories. I knew adults told their kids these stories to keep them inside, to prevent them from getting wet and dirty. But even if I might not believe that there are evil beings in the rain, I have a feeling that there's still some kind of thing out there, maybe not evil more like someone or something that is only looking for somewhere to stay until the rain goes.

But those are just childish thoughts, I know there's nothing out there, and there will never be, yet that lingering thought still remains.

I was brought back to reality from a loud knock on my door. The frantic knocking, sounding like the person behind it was in some sort of hurry. I turned in my chair to face the large wooden door that was facing my work desk, which was covered with paperwork, books and other loose papers.

They knock again.

'Yes I heard you, come in." I say to the mysterious person, that was now entering my office. He was one of the Commanders cadets, one of his newest recruits, he looked kind of scared. Fidgeting with his hands looking down at his feet, afraid to make eye contact. His dirty blonde hair dangled on his pale forehead, his hair was messy, having little curls pop out from the sides. I couldn't see his face do to his nervous posture. His figure was small, like a small child. His body was close together as if he was being pushed from both sides.

I raised an eyebrow at the young boy, "do u have something to say..?" I asked trying to figure out why he was here, he nodded and began to speak, "yes, Commander Erwin sent me here to tell you that you and the other Corporals will be needed tomorrow for a meeting." He said as he saluted me.


I sighed but nonetheless nodded letting the boy know I understood. I really didn't want to go to this stupid meeting, it was like the third time this week. "When will this meeting start." I spoke once more.

"9 o'clock" was all the blonde said.

"Ok, thank you. You're dismissed." I pointed to the door with my pen and with that I was yet alone again. The only thing keeping me company was these stupid paperwork and the faint sound of the rain outside.

The rain is beautiful, yet terrifying.

[time skip]

I walk down the corridors, the taping sound of my footsteps against the hard wooden floor was the only sound that could be heard throughout them.

The cadets were probably outside training or something.

I thought to myself while looking out the windows on my right side. Sunlight fell down making squares of light on the ground, catching small particles of dust making it look like small waterfalls. On my right were large potted plants, placed at random with no particular sequence, paintings of landscapes decorating the left side of the walls beautiful flowers were the main focus of these paintings matching the potted plants.

Chatter was heard from down the corridor as I got closer to where Commander Erwin's office was. Ever since I became a Caporal I dreaded the meetings, it gave me deja vu which wasn't pleasant. Especially considering that Captain Levi was gonna be there, even before I took this job as a Captain he was a huge asshole. He would always make me run laps around the HQ, or make me clean something then come in and tell me to do it again because it wasn't 'clean enough'. He's a huge clean freak, which was kind of a plus now since I wasn't under his command so I don't have to clean every two hours.

I arrived in front of Commanders door, and knocked. I knew I was late to the meeting, like I always am. when I heard a 'come in' I entered getting myself ready for another comment from the clean freak, and a scolding from the Commander.

"You are late Corporal Y/n." A low voice greeted me as I sat down in my seat around the long wooden table, papers and plans were placed neatly in front of me while a large map was in the middle of the table.

"I apologise Sir, I lost track of time." I obviously lied, I knew what the time was I just didn't want to show up, but I knew I'd get in bigger trouble if I didn't. The Commander sighed and continued with his speech, pointing at the papers in front of me so I could look at them. Reading through the plans, they were the same ones like last meeting so I decided just to doodle in the corner of the sheet of paper to help me past the time.

I felt a cold chilling feeling run down my spine, as if someone was putting some sort of death curse on me. Slowly looking up to find the culprit who would commit such an act, the cold eyes I met didn't surprise me. Non other than the Captain short stack was death staring me once again, he did this every meeting and every time we were in the same room. To be honest I don't get what his problem is, sure I might've been a troublesome cadet but now I'm a Corporal just like him, I'm not his responsibility anymore and we're on the same level in status he should at least try and show some kind of respect.

Who am I kidding, he doesn't show respect to anyone.

I looked away, deciding to ignore him since it was for the best. The muffled sound of the Commander's speech became quitter as my thoughts and attention drifted else where. Yet my thoughts were bringing me back to a time I do not want to go back to, but I had no control over my thoughts so I let them take me, even as painful as these memories might be.


Author notes~

Idk how I feel abt this but yk. This is kinda my second fanfic tho the last one I delete- it wasn't bad in my opinion (nor was it good) I was just idk not into writing it, but I'm trying this again and hopefully I don't give up this time <3.

Sorry if there is any mistakes.
And also credits to the artist :).

Vote if u want :D.

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