He's here

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The sound from my pencil against the paper echoed my companionless room, my head down my burning eyes focused on my work. It is most likely three in the morning but I only have a few more files to sign and I would be done. The pencil hovered over the paper leaving a sloppy scribble behind as my exhausted hand moved, I knew I needed sleep since I was assigned to train the cadets later. Yet here I was. Sleep deprived. Again.

A knock on the door filled the room with a different tone, which I ignored. It was Hange coming back for their late night, or early morning, rant about shit I never have the attention span to comprehend. Then another knock followed, and then a next. Which told me the person on the other side of that door was not Hange.

Who the fuck is it?

My suspicions were clearly incorrect as if it was Hange they would have busted down the door, despited the fact that everyone is asleep, and yelled my name to get my attention.

"I know you're in there." I pause at the voice, "Tch, the light is on, let me in L/n." That voice, the voice I crave more and more every time I hear it. But what was he doing up so late? When I didn't respond he probably got fed up and decided to invite himself in. The door slowly opened and I averted my gaze back to my work, he walked in closing the door behind him filling the room with a sense of long awaited company.

"What are you doing here at this hour?" He asked with a monotoned voice, I didn't reply. He sighed probably in defeat. The creaking of the floor followed as he stepped closer, soon he had pulled one of the chairs that settled itself in front of my work desk, taking a seat. He stared at me.

"Why aren't you in your room?" He asked his question again now in a different way, I remained silent for a bit then finally spoke.

"I could ask you the same thing, sir." He didn't say anything, he just sat there. Painful silence fell between us. My hand wobbled over the paper again, writing my name in the bottom right corner. I wouldn't dare lock eyes with his knowing that the outcome to that would be very destructive for my heart.

"I asked first, L/n." He spoke out after it felt like years.

"I had a few papers to finish." I say simply. "Your turn." He took a uncertain second before he let his lips part.

"I don't sleep." His comment caused for me to stop my hopeless scribbles, he probably noticed my hold and continued. "I'm insomniac." For a weird reason I wasn't surprised, it would explain his eye bags and the fact he has lavender oil by his bed.

But still it must irritated him.

Silence fell between us again and the only thing audible was the pencil against the white paper. He kept his voice hidden behind his soft lips but his eyes were drilling wholes through me. I wanted to speak to him, ask how he's feeling and ask about his thoughts. Curiosity was drowning me. But I didn't say a word. I couldn't.

His eyes [levi x fem reader] Where stories live. Discover now