Inescapable past

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(This is a repost fixing some shit)
[age 15]

I was down in the basement in one of the torture chambers. Father had been taken away by a guard in a hurry not so long ago and left me in charge of a not so pleasant sight.

The room I was in was much smaller than the other torture chambers I've had gone into; this one only had a chair along side a small metal table where all sorts of hammers, daggers, pliers were sitting patiently ready to be used.

Father liked using things like these, since it was easier to get information than using weapons like guns to threaten the people that had the misfortune to be in such a place. My eyes traveled around the room the millionth time, blood stained the hard stone ground along with the walls.

I looked over at the dreadful sight of the woman in front of me, strapped to a chair; blood dripped from every wound on her body, while her frantic panting echoed throughout the almost empty room.

Her once blonde hair was now stained a crimson red along with her torn clothes; her leather black jeans were pierced through by three daggers, two of which were on her right thigh while the other one was penetrated through the side of her calf.

My eyes landed back onto the metal table examining everything that was on it, my body moved towards it slowly, making loud tapping sounds from under my feet. I picked up one of the daggers, my finger tracing over the sharp blade in amazement.

I've always liked daggers more than any other weapons, out of all the weapons I had been trained to use I've always liked these small yet deadly things. In reality daggers aren't so dangerous if you don't know how to use them, yet if they are used correctly and at the perfect time these small blades can be as deadly as a rifle.

"You... you're a monster.." the woman said through coughs, I was intrigued though I did not turn to face her. Yet I remained focused on the small blade in my hands. "You're a child, yet you're as much as a monster as your father. No. More than a monster, you're a devil!" She yelled through tears.

"Oh, I'm the devil?" I said finally turning to face her, my body fell back on the table behind me as I folded my arms over my chest with the dagger still in hand. "I assume you could be right. The devil, dresses up like a small little girl." I smirked at her as she watched me with terror. "Yet though, I do admit of myself being such a thing. You yourself aren't much far from it either."

"I am no near as atrocious as you!" She yelled desperate for hopes I'll break, though for her disappointment I didn't budge.

"Oh, you say so," I brought up the dagger closer to my face then pointing it at her making her flinch. "Year 831 March 27, there was a report of a pregnant woman along with her four year old daughter being attacked and killed by a group of bandits." I say eyeing her. "Witnesses reported that the group that had killed them were remarkably unusual, there was six of them five men and a strange blonde young woman, that may I add fits your description perfectly."

"I-" she tried to cut in but I didn't allow her to.

"You alongside five other men attacked and killed a innocent mother and child for what? Money?" I stop as I watched all her will fade from her face as her eyes fell down. "And that's not all, you also raided a whole bar killing every single person there. If you ask me that seems quite devil like to me." I pushed off the table walking over to her, throwing the blade upwards then catching it inside my palm then repeating the same action over and over again as I circled around her.

"How- how do you know all of that." Her voice trembled with fear.

"I did my homework before I got here, darling." I say with a smug grin. "Or what, did I leave something out?"

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