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[6 days later]

My feet moved frantically, carrying me down the corridors. I had woken up late, which wasn't really anything new, though I was supposed to train the cadets this morning. I past a few members of Levi's squad on the way, leaving behind small waves and soft smiles.

Rushing through the door I looked over to where the training grounds were. Seeing all the new faces, and the newest ones added to my own squad, last lined up awaiting my arrival. In front of them stood Levi along with my mother, a chilling feeling creeped down my spine, not for the fact that Levi was there and what he might do because I was late. Oh no, not even close.

Mother is going to kill me.

I stood there debating wether or not to bail on them and run away, but soon realised that idea was only a temporary solution and won't work for the long run. With a hesitant step I began to make my way towards them.

"Sorry I'm late." I say walking in front. But as I expected, a heavy, painful feeling appeared at the back of my head.

"Who raised you? I sure didn't." Mother slapped the back of my head causing me to place my own hand over it to ease the pain. "Making all these kids wait like that. Disgraceful." She folded her arms over her chest giving me that 'you're in deep shit' look.

"I said I was sorry." I rolled my eyes. Then turned back at the cadets whom were whispering and giggling at me, I narrowed my eyes looking over them and in a blink of an eye they all stood straight silently. "That's what I thought." I say. I start walking closer to them, eyeing them one by one. "Trust." I spoke after a few minutes of intimidation.

They looked at me like I had just called them all sluts then fucked their moms, I sigh "you need trust in any kind of battle, you can never fight along others without trusting them. Am I right?" They gave me hesitated and confused nods. "And because of this, today you all will learn how to trust one another and how to work together to defeat your enemy."

I began to throw instructions at them, "I will pick groups and in those groups you will have a task, nothing too complicated nor dangerous. But it will require for you to trust your team and communicate with them." I step back where I had been before. "I won't pick a captain, nor do I say you should have one." And with that I began to group them.

There were groups of ten. The task was that they were supposed to work together as a team to try and take Levi down, of course Levi had no idea, so there was an advantage for the first group. "When you're ready." I said pointing at one of the groups closest to Levi. They all turned and jolted towards him, obviously even if his hands were folded over his chest and his stance wasn't the best at defence, he was quick enough to move and get himself into position.

A few painful minutes later all ten of them were on the floor, face first into the dirt. "What the fuck was that?" Levi glared at me with deadly eyes, but before he could throw another word at me the next group came from behind him. But it soon ended similar to the group from before.

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