The walls hate me

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I found myself walking the hallways once again, though this time with documents in hand. Hange had barged in my office, the second time today, and told me to help them with hading out documents to the Corporals. And of course as the kind person I am, I said yes.

Bad idea.

I had two more sets to give out then I could go back to my own boring work, I sigh reading the name from on top of the first page, Mike. I walked over to his office and when I had arrived at his door I realised I couldn't open it, the heavy stacks of papers were making my arms numb.

I knocked with my foot and a soft sound came from the other side, he was telling me to come inside. "I'm sorry Mike but my hands are pretty full right now, can you please open the door for me-" the door opened before I could finish my sentence, revealing his tall figure.

Mike seemed scary to some but in reality he's a kind guy, the poor man cried over a bug after it was crushed over by Levi when we were cleaning. "Where do you want me to put these?" I asked with a smile, he pointed to the dark wooden desk and I moved to place them down. "There you go~" I sang then turned back to the door.

"Thank you." The tall man said as I walked through the door, I turned my head and smiled at him. I walked out looking down at the name of the person I was supposed to deliver the last papers to next, his name staring back at me. I bit my lip as the memories from earlier came flooding back, I tried to shake them away as best as I could. I stared at the door, breathing in. I knocked with my foot against the door awaiting a response.


That's weird, maybe he's doing something.

"I'm coming in." I say letting myself in, at least if he was in here he knew I was entering, but when the door fully opened the empty chair stared at me with loneliness. "I guess he's not here after all." I sigh about to step towards his desk to relieve my arms from the pain of the heavy papers, though right then, I felt a presence behind me.

"What are you doing?" I froze at his familiar words turning my head, he was standing in the door way; arms crossed over his chest with narrow eyes, his stare felt ice cold able to leave goosebumps on my skin.

"I'm helping Hange hand out papers, this is for you." I lifted the papers up to show him but his eyes remained on mine, we shared eyes for a while. I felt myself slipping away into his gaze, pulling me inside like I was under a spell. I cleared my throat getting myself back on track, I looked away not daring to fall into his eyes again. "Where should I put these?" I say calmly.

"Desk." He ordered though normally I would throw a fuss on him ordering me around, this time though I did as he said as I wanted to get back to my own room as quickly as possible. I placed them down reliving my arms from the weight, I shook them but as I expected they started feeling like pins and needles were attacked me.

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