Dead to me

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A few hours of useless searching past me, I had begged almost every man in this village, and no one seemed to care for my urgency. I dragged my wobbly feet once again in search, which seems to be extremely unsuccessful, to find someone, anyone.

At the start of my journey in heading back to HQ, I hadn't considered anything else but a ride back on a horse driven carriage. Though now the idea of walking back, though still quite impossible, seemed a bit too likely. I stopped suddenly, feeling as if I was about to faint. There was no if. I was going to faint if I didn't find someone soon.

My eyes scanned my surroundings. Women ran the food stalls while the men delivered their supplies. I walked past another horse stable, the third one so far. There were two men, the older man looked in his early sixties, his stubble showed glimpses of white hairs matching the hair on his head. I inhaled a sharp breath before walking over.

"Hello sir? Excuse me?" He heard me though he didn't move to acknowledge me, my fists clenched. "I'm sorry to bother you, but are you heading to the south by any chance? I'm desperately in need for a ride." I say trying not to sound annoyed. The man grunted.

"What, let me guess, you need a ride because your mother is dying? Or your father? Please I've heard it all before. You want to steal my merchandise. Get lost!" The urge to stab this old man with the dagger I swore was only for protection. Instead, I nodded then turned over towards the other man.

He was younger, he looked my age. His dirty blonde hair tied up in a bun, as I got closer, I could see he was pretty tall. I swallowed my pride before speaking. "Hey um, sorry sir?" His head turned at my voice. His gaze looked curiously at me, his hazel green eyes studying me. I continued. "Are you headed to the south? I really need a ride."

He studied me some more before talking. "Are you from around there?" I nodded, which led him into his thoughts. He kept quiet for a while which only made my hope fade further.

"It's ok if you're not." I say with slight tiredness. He stared at me; he could tell how exhausted I was. His head turned back to the boxes he had been loading up in the back of the carriage. I sigh realising that his answer was a no. I turned ready to walk my way home.

"If you want a ride help me load up." I turn back as he grinned at me. A smile creeped onto my lip's relief washing over me.

"Thank you." I say simply not wanting to annoy him further and change his mind. I turn to the remainder of the boxes and start to load up. A few boxes later and I was in the back of the carriage while, William, was already driving the carriage out of town.

"Why are you so desperate to get to the south?" He questioned looking over his shoulder to me, I was leaning up against a box staring back at him.

"My family is there. They haven't seen me in a while and I'm surprising them." I say and he nodded. Hours past and at some point, I had fallen asleep and when the carriage came to a sudden stop, I jolted awake. My eyes scanned my surroundings, William was staring down at me with a smile.

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