Accident pt.1

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[1 week later]

The air felt heavy, it was the day of the expedition and everyone was tensed and anxious. "Y/NNNNN~" well except of them. I let out a relieved sigh, seeing Hange excited made me a bit less anxious.

"Hey Hange." I say with a smile turning around to face them. They already had their ODM gear on along with their goggles, they flung at me hugging me tightly while patting my head.

For walls sake my hair!

"HANGE!" I say frustrated with them for ruining my hair, but they didn't budge. They smelled nicer than usual. Levi. He must've made them shower this morning. I giggled at the thought of Levi struggling to get Hange in the bath, while Hange gave me a weird look but I brushed it off and started to walk towards the meeting room.

We had to have a last meeting before every expedition to remind ourselves of what we are set to do. Me and Hange walked down the halls, their arm was around my neck as they spoke of all the exiting things they were planing on doing on this expedition.

Hange and I entered the meeting room, having the whole room turn their heads to us, I wave sarcastically then turn to sit in my seat. I felt Levi's stare on me, though when I looked up the death glare I was expecting was replaced with a emotionless look. His look wasn't cold or irritated, it was just a look.

"Alright, now that everyone is here let's go over our targets." Erwins voice broke my and Levi's eye contact. "The main focus of this mission is to find herbs, which Corporal Michie and Corporal Hange's squad will be in charge of." He paused for a second, "and the rest will be assisting them or keeping a look out for any titans." Erwin continued to talk about minor details that I couldn't give two shits about.

After the meeting me and Hange went separate ways to our rooms to check if we had everything. I walked in my room, my eyes scanning around for anything while I was checking off things in my head. "I have everything..." I said to myself, then right when I was about to turn and leave my eyes landed on the soft white cloth that was sitting quietly on my vanity. Levi's handkerchief. I walked over grabbing it gently, my fingers traced over the stitches I have made attaching the slightly different coloured pice of yellowish white fabric.

The side which was burned off was now replaced with a bit of one of my shirts, which was the only fabric that was close enough to the colour of the original handkerchief. If I took it now and went to put it back in the box, Levi wouldn't notice it was gone right? I couldn't put it back when we came back since I wouldn't have time, Hange would probably need me to help with any injured soldiers.

I sigh taking the soft material and then placing it in my pocket, turning on my heal and heading out the door towards Levi's office.

[Levis pov]

He walked back into his office for the last time today, he was planning to have a few minutes to himself before having to go back out there. He relaxed his face taking in a deep breath and then releasing it, then walking over to his desk. He kneeled down to open a drawer at the bottom of it, inside was the butterfly carved wooden box, he grabbed it gently placing it down in front of him on the desk.

He opened it slowly but when the lid fell on the other side Levi's eyes widen and a hole was starting to form inside his chest. "Mothers handkerchief..." he whispered to himself in disbelief he has lost it, that handkerchief was the only thing that he had left of his mother after her pass. Even though it was in bad condition he has done his best to keep it safe.

Every time he felt hopeless and alone he would take it out of the box and hold it close to his heart, like it was his mother. He couldn't believe he lost it, he could swear on his tea that he had put it back inside the box last time he took it out.

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