Lost? not for long.

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Y/n POV:
I sat there for a little while stroking Peppers fur. "Hey, Pepper you wanna try and find the kitchen, I'm sure you're hungry." I asked the little fox. "YIP" Pepper responded. I got up and we made our way out of the room, and started to walk down the hallway.

I walked and opened up doors finding empty rooms, room that were decorated with a bed a table and sometimes even rooms with snakes that would hiss at me and Pepper.

I was kind of scared to open doors it seemed like every door I opened had snakes in it. I opened a door that was to my right, and there was more snakes but also a bed and a table, but what stood out most was a shiny thing on the table.

I decided to be brave and go in the room and get the shiny thing I saw. I cautiously walked in the room watching out for snakes, I had made sure Pepper sat at the door so she wouldn't get bit. I carefully tiptoed through the room. Slowly making it to the table I grabbed the shiny thing. It was a rock, but it didn't seem normal so I put it in my pocket.

I turned around and slowly tiptoed out of the room. Me and Pepper continued walking down the hallway after that. After a while I just sat down and leaned against the wall to my right. I had laid there so long I had fallen asleep on the floor, curled up.

I woke up to someone shaking me. "What... What do you want.." I mumbled as I slowly opened my eyes to see a man with whiteish gray hair and glasses staring at me. "Why are you sleeping on the floor?" He asked.

"I uh got lost, duhh." I responded in an annoyed tone. "Oh, well follow me." He said helping me up off the floor. Pepper was already up and yapping at me.

We were walking so I decided to ask what his name was, "Hey, uhm what's you're name?" I asked looking over at him. "Kabuto." He answered, "cool name I guess." I said, "Whats yours?" Kabuto asked back, "I'm Y/n." I replied.

After that we stopped talking. Then he walked up to a door and opened it motioning for me to go in. I walked in, it was a kitchen. Not only was it a kitchen it had food. "Hell yeah!" I said. Kabuto chuckled, "Orochimaru said he wanted to ask you some questions so he'll be here soon to talk to you so have fun, I'm gonna go back to what I was doing before I was ordered to get you here." He said, then he left me alone.

I went through every cabinet and found the most edible things and put it together making myself and Pepper a good enough meal. I made myself a 'mystery meat' sandwich and made Pepper a 'mystery meat' biscuit. I smiled at her before sitting at the table and having Pepper sit on the floor beside me. I started to eat my sandwich.

After I had finished my food I sat there kind of bored. I started looking for a drink like some water or something. I found some and took a glass. I got Pepper some water as well.

As I was doing that Orochimaru walked in the kitchen/dining room. "Oh I see you have already eaten some stuff and gotten things to drink." He said, "Well yeah you took foreverrr." I replied, "Well I'm sorry you're majesty." He said sarcastically.

I sat down, "So, what did you want to ask me?" I asked, "Well, I was wondering.. Why did you leave the leaf village?" He asked looking over at me. I looked down at the table awkwardly.. I didn't want to tell him my sob story but it's the real true reason I left...

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