Nightmares and tragedy

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Y/n pov:
I cant sleep... after that nightmare I just cant...
I got up and walked to the door.. on my way to the kitchen to get some water...
I made it to the kitchen got a glass, and filled it about halfway full then sat down at the table.
It was quiet I tried not to make to much noise even though most of the rooms were mostly a little ways apart.. I took a sip of water then sat the glass down on the table... I had zoned out for a couple minutes not noticing Orochimaru sneak in he saw me sitting there motionless, staring at the table..

Orochimaru pov:
I woke up hearing slow footsteps outside the door.
I got up after a while and snuck to the kitchen and saw y/n staring at the table she didn't even notice me walking in the room..
I sat down in front of her waiting for her to look around or do something.

Y/n pov:
I finally came back to reality after I think a couple minutes and saw Orochimaru in front of me with his head down..
I couldn't see his face.. I think hes.. Asleep!? How long was I sitting here for. For someone to just fall asleep right in front of me it must have been a while.

I stared at him for a while not wanting to say or do anything cause I didnt wanna wake him up if he was in fact asleep...

After a while I decided to get up and put my glass away so I got up and then..

"Oh." I heard Orochimaru say...
"I think I might have fell asleep." He said then I assume looked over at me because I had froze...

After a couple seconds I put my glass down and went back to the table... We sat there awkwardly for a couple minutes until.. "well uhm what are you doing awake?" I asked quietly..
"I heard you walking in the hallways, but what are you doing awake?" He asked. "Oh im sorry" I said then followed that up with "I had a nightmare and couldn't fall asleep again so I got up".. I said looking down at the table remembering the nightmare clearly...
"Well... what was it about?" Orochimaru asked awkwardly... "I really dont wanna talk about it... it was..." I trailed off.... He just looked at me and nodded then "Well, im gonna go to sleep I will see you tomorrow you should also try and get some rest you never know whats gonna happen tomorrow".. he said before walking out and leaving... I went to my room and tried to sleep again and I finally fell asleep....

~in the morning~

I woke up in the morning but really didnt feel like getting up so I laid there for a while longer finally pulling myself up and going to the kitchen for food... I had fallen asleep mid-day so I had no idea the troubles that had happened through-out my sleeping...

Y'know im not writing that whole thing so heres the video english dubbed thank you:)

Sorry im not writing it I just feel it would be quicker for me to do that anyways on to the story:).

Y/n pov:
I woke up to someone shaking me really hard I got up and heard Kabuto say "Orochimaru hes gone!" I looked at him wide eyed "H-hes WHAT-"

not gonna lie Im gonna have to google the rest I've watched the series but I haven't watched it for a while and forgot most of the small and/or big details . Im sorry..

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