3. Beckett Pov: The 'almost' boyfriend

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This was it. The day I was going to ask her out on a date. Despite my big secret, I was determined to finally be in a relationship. They always say the good guy gets the girl, right? Well I'd say it's about time. I calmly rushed over to Audrey's house, with a bouquet of flowers in my hand, and knock on the door.
"Hello, who might you be?" Her mom answered the door.
"Hello ma'am, I was wondering if Audrey is here?"
"Oh, she's not. She left early to practice her archery before her lesson. Try going down to the shooting range!"
"Oh, ok, thank you!" Audrey's mom closed the door, and I headed out to the field.
I finally get there, but Audrey is nowhere to be found. A stern lady is standing with her arms crossed, occasionally looking at her watch.
"Excuse me, is Audrey around?"
The lady huffs, "she was supposed to be here over an hour ago. If you find her tell her she's very late, and will be doing extra exercises to make up for my wasted time."
Oooook yikes. Maybe I'm a bit paranoid, but I know Rey was never late for anything. She was always 15 minutes early on the dot to every hang out. I know because... I was always 20 minutes early. I felt too in my gut that this was no ordinary skip. Something was wrong.  I put the bouquet down and found a place out of sight inside the equipment barn. With a quick spin, I was in uniform.

   I looked like superman but minus the cape and a darker blue. And rather than a logo on front, it was a jagged design that looked like a pointy M. And of course, the dark blue mask to conceal my identity. No longer Beckett, the name is Backlash.
Once outside, I flew up, just above the trees, and tried scanning the area for clues of where Audrey could have gone. Just more trees... but I was definitely sensing a power surge coming from somewhere. I knew I had felt something as I was nearing the archery field, but I thought it was nerves. Now I sense something worse....
I follow the aura down the river, it strengthening as I grew closer to where it was leading me. That's when I spotted a very small building, almost like a cottage. Trying to remain unseen, I flew back down, hiding behind a bush. There was a man trudging across a bridge, carrying someone who looked limp. Once I saw the curly hair, I knew it was her. I clinched my fists in anger that I wasn't there to protect her. They entered the cottage... now I need a plan to bust in and get her out.

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