Pains and Guilt

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"You did it, Gaster."

Jessica stared at the remains of Bete Noire for a moment, observing the wounds and stabs all over her body. She hadn't realised how powerful Gaster actually was until now. Maybe it was a bad idea to get on his bad side. She shivered slightly at the thought.

Finally, she turned around to the two other skeletons. Both looked completely exhausted from the battle.

"Hey!! Jessica!! Sans!! Papyrus!!"
Everyone turned frightfully at the sudden exclamation, but relief was shown on everyones faces as Chara ran up to them, Asriel right beside.

"Are you guys okay? Where's-"
Chara noticed Gaster, hanging limp in Jessica's arms, then the remains of Bete Noire.

"Huh... Bete Noire... Is dead?"
Jessica nodded, "I think so."

Chara gestured towards Gaster,
"is he okay? He looks a little busted up."

"I'm sure he's fine... Just tired. He was the one who killed her, after all."

Jessica turned to Asriel, smiling.
"Are you okay?"

Asriel nodded, returning her smile warmly,
"I'm just fine."

Papyrus walked up to them, Sans following shortly after.

"Hey, Sans, Papyrus," Chara grinned, "you guys good?"

"I took a few hits, but yes! I'm perfectly fine!"
Exclaimed Papyrus.
Sans nodded as if to say, "yeah, what he said."

Chara nodded, "well, we should get back to somewhere safe. Everyones hurt, we need to heal up."

"Alright," replied Sans, "I'm sure G' won't mind if we settle at the lab for a while."

"I hope he's okay. He's out cold." Said Chara worriedly.

"He'll be fine," Sans assured him, "G's a tough guy, he just needs some rest."

"If you say so..."


Jessica collapsed on a couch in the lab, groaning. Every inch of her body hurt beyond belief. Gaster was curled up on the couch opposite her, fast asleep. She was just about to fall into a doze, but she stopped herself,

Before I do anything... Shower.

She forced herself up onto her feet, stretching her arms over her head in an attempt to loosen the muscles in them. She trudged tiredly to the bathroom, locking the door behind her.


Gaster groaned, cracking his eyes open slightly.
The sudden lights against his eyes made him turn away.
He found that he was lying on a rather soft surface, like a bed, or a couch.

He opened his eyes fully, taking in his surroundings. It took him a minute to realise where he was.

He attempted to sit up, and failed miserably. Black spots danced in his eyes and a sudden wave of dizziness crashed over him. He collapsed back onto the couch. He heard a small chuckle from beside him.

"Relax, you've been through a hell of a day, G'. You should lay down for a while."

He rolled back over to the voice, immediately recognizing it as Sans,

"I have to get back to work, Sans. I thought you'd be one of the first to understand that."

Sans shrugged, "well, you won't be getting back to work for a while, apparently, since you can barely keep your eyes open, let alone do all that research or whatever."

Gaster fixed him with a glare, "I'll find a way."
He paused for a moment,
"how's Papyrus?"

Sans stared out a nearby window for a minute before replying,
"Similar to you, sleeping, having trouble getting up. He keeps having nightmares. Don't know what they're about, though."

A wave of guilt washed over Gaster. That was his fault. He was selfish enough to use Papyrus's soul energy for himself, and now Papyrus is hurt.

"He'll be alright though...Right? If his case is similar to mine, he should be feeling better in a day or two.." Gaster's words sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than anything.

"I sure hope so." Sans stood up, walking to the door,
"I'm gonna go check on the others, take care, G'."

Gaster nodded, but didn't say a word.


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