Chats and Recoveries

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After only a day, Gaster had begun to regain his strength, along with everyone else. He would attempt to stand every now and then, moving gingerly around before weakly sitting back down on the couch again.

Jessica had been checking in every now and then, despite Gaster's protests.
She had decided to stop by for the third time that morning, just to see if he'd been making any progress, and he had. He stood up, cautiously walking around the room, as if he expected his legs to disintegrate under him.

"You doing okay? I see you're able to move around easier."
She must have jinxed it, as the minute those words left her mouth, Gaster's legs gave way underneath him. Jessica just managed to dash over and catch him. He fixed her with a glare that didn't seem real.

"you jinxed it," he said playfully, the ghost of a smirk visible on his face.

Jessica grinned, steadying him.

"Sure." She said sarcastically, "you need some help walking? Need a cane?"

Gaster's smile widened, "shut up."

"Ah, ah! I wouldn't get too discourteous if I were you! Who knows? I might just let you drop on your face if you keep that attitude up."

Gaster rolled his eyes at her, "you wouldn't dare."

"Oh, but I would!"

The two continued bantering and joking together. Any human or monster passing by would believe the two were good friends, best friends, even.


Papyrus awoke from another nightmare. It was a rather vague dream, but it was enough to frighten him. These dreams hadn't stopped since the fight. He guessed they were linked to what happened then, though what he didn't understand was why they kept coming back. Before he could think any further, he heard the door gently creak open.

"Heya, Paps. You doing okay?" Sans asked, rather worriedly, walking over to stand next to where Papyrus was lying.

"I'm... Not sure, Sans.. These nightmares keep coming back, I'm sure they're from... The fight... But they keep coming back. And what's even stranger is... I can barely remember them after I wake up.. It's like, I know I had a nightmare... But I don't know what it was about.."

Sans nodded, "and how's your soul?"

Papyrus smiled, "it's great, actually, I can feel myself getting stronger! I think I might be able to walk around in a while!"

"That's great, Paps. Just lemme know if ya need anythin'. I'll be there in a flash."

"Thank you, Sans. I will."
Sorry this chapta is a liiiil shorter than usual, ill make up for it ,,, i swear...
i love the lil banter between Jess and Gaster <3333 what CUTIES!!!! LOVE EM!!!!!

Thank you so much for 100 reads btw!!! <3 i love you guys so much,, thank you for all the support ive gotten on this story, its truly motivating

stay safe, remember to stay hydrated, and ily<3

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