Everything Black

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"What the hell happened up... Here..." Gaster's voice trailed away as he took in he sight before him. The living room window had been shattered, glass littering the ground everywhere. Papyrus was standing beside Sans, seemingly rooted to the spot. Chara and Asriel were staring in astonishment. Toriel was backing away from the window slowly, Asgore following. He wasn't sure when the Dreemurrs got there, but that didn't matter now.

What mattered were the four figures that were slowly creeping towards the window.

"What... Is happening..." Jessica gulped, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Th-They just broke the window... Me and Asgore got here a few minutes ago, we were j-just dropping in to say hello, and..." Toriel's voice faded, her words morphing into shaky, incoherent mumbling.

Gaster glared, stepping forward and summoning his extra hands. They seemed to flicker for a moment before fully materialising beside him.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Gaster growled lowly.

No response. The figures kept approaching the window, steadily and unrushed.

Then, in a flash, they were in the building. Gaster's eyes widened as he caught a glimpse of one of their faces. A man, who's face looked seemingly normal.

Except for the black scleras. Those definitely were not normal for a human.

White-hot pain streaked through the front of Gaster's body as a black tendril swung upwards, out of nowhere, slamming him into the wall behind. He staggered to his feet, clutching his shoulder tightly. Blood ran down his hand and dripped from his fingertips, onto the floor. He attempted to swing his arm forward, resulting in more pain. He made a strangled groaning noise, breathing shallowly as he stepped back.
Shoulder's probably broken. Shit.

Chara appeared out of nowhere and let out a noise that was a mixure of a growl and a cry as he charged at the man. He swung his knife upwards, attempting to slice at his chest, but was blocked by a solid black shield. Gaster took this as an opportunity, and summoned a larger hand to blast the man as he was occupied. He let out a yell and dropped his shield.
That was when Chara attacked. He stabbed at the man again, his knife plunging into his abdomen. Before he could attack again, a rope of patience wrapped around him and yanked him backwards, into the wall beside a woman with the same black scleras as the other man. Then, slowly, the rope began to tighten around Chara, crushing and suffocating him. He clawed desperately at the rope, rapidly losing his strength along with oxygen. He looked around to see if someone, anyone would help him, but they were all too focused on battling the other enemies.

Suddenly, spinning blue blades sliced through the tendril that constricted Chara. He gasped and toppled over onto his side, panting and spluttering. Jessica ran over to his side and knelt beside him,

"Chara! Are you okay?"

Chara got his feet under him and stood shakily, his body trembling slightly,

"Fine, just got caught off guard."
He turned back to the woman, glaring,

"I'll get you for that."

Sans and Papyrus were fighting a woman with a Justice trait. She put up a good fight, and her aim was on point. She managed to catch Papyrus in the arm, knee and shoulder, throwing him off balance, yet Sans didn't have too much trouble taking her out. Soon enough, she was unconcious at his feet. The two brothers high-fived each other in triumph. ...Though, Papyrus seemed a tad more enthusiastic than Sans.


The man slashed at Gaster again, his sword swing just short of his chest. The sword was dripping with HATE, yet it was as solid and sharp as one made of steel. In response to the man's attack, Gaster sent yellow bullets shooting upwards from the floor. They collided with his chin, sending his head rocking upwards. He stumbled back, clearly dazed from impact, but Gaster didn't back down. A blue rope slammed the man into a wall and pinned him there. He struggled, kicking and scrabbling at the rope that restrained him, but to no avail. With a swift flourish, spinning blades crashed into the man, cutting into his skin and making him screech as black blood seeped from his wounds. His right arm had been sliced off and blackness poured out of the wound and onto the ground beside him.

Then, in an instant, the man had cut through the rope and lunged at Gaster, his arm morphed into a sharp black point. Gaster instinctively raised his arms to protect his face, and the point was driven right through both of his arms.

Gaster made a choked yelping sound as the point pierced through his arms. The spike was yanked out of his arms aggressively, causing him to stumble back, his arms hanging loosely by his side. His vision blurred from pain and he swayed dizzily as his sight faded in and out of focus.

Clearly, he hadn't notice how loud he'd cried out, since he wasn't aware that all battles had paused, everyone staring in horror at the blood pooling at Gaster's feet. Black spots danced in his eyes and he tried to raise his arms but couldn't.

He was slammed into the wall again, and again. He couldn't hear anything but a high-pitched ringing. All he felt was pain as he crashed into the wall repeatedly, until he was finally released and slumped to the floor.

Then, everything went black.

Hey yall ;) funny chapter riiight!!!!! sorry havent been updating again.. been going through some deep shit..
AND BEFORE YOU SAY "ooooh but Gaster is a skeelton!!!! how does he get stabbed!????" SHHHHH... just dont question it, ok?? it happeend. thats it

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and as always, take care, stay hydrated, and ily <3

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