Dallas | ♡ | Bloody Nose

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You heard several loud knocks from your front door. Groaning you got up from your comfy position on the couch bringing your can of beer with you.

Opening the door you see a beat up and bloodied Dallas. "What the hell happened to you?" You asked and took a gulp from your beer can.

"Got in a fight at Bucks. Will you just let me in? It's fucking freezing out here." You stepped aside and let him in.

He waddled over towards your couch taking up the seat you were originally sat and draped your thick fluffy blanket around his shivering form.

You went to the kitchen getting the first aid kit from the cupboard and putting on water to boil.

You walked over to Dallas and started to clean his wounds.

"I can do it myself" he grumbled trying to pry his face away from the cloth. You kept his head in place by directing his chin towards you.

He reverted his eyes to the TV screen. He then felt a stinging on his face. "OW! Fucking hell what the hell was that?" He growled.

"Keep your hair on, it was just a bit of rubbing alcohol so you don't get a damn infection stupid." He grumbled in response.

You got a bandage and stuck it to his face. He didn't thank you so you got up after cleaning up.

The water was boiled at this point so you made two hot chocolates. You heard the TV playing from the living room.

You grabbed the two mugs of the hot beverage and made your way to the living room. Dallas was still wrapped up in the pink fluffy blanket.

His hair was messy and unkept after the fight. He did look pretty adorable right now.

"Here's yours" you placed his mug on the coffee table. He looked away from the TV to look at the mug.

"Where are the marshmallows...?" He asked. I sighed and went to go get some. I plopped some mini marshmallows into the mug. He then stuck out his hands from the top of the blanket.

"Gimme." "Say please." "Can I have my mug please" he grumbled. You passed him his mug and he blew on it before drinking it. He hummed in approval.

You sat down on the same couch with you mug but without the blanket this time. You blew on it and book a sip. 'God it's still burning hot' you thought.

Dallas then opened one side of the blanket telling you to scooch over to him and the warmth of the blanket.

You went under the blanket and he wrapped it around you both. You both sat and watched the movie as it continued playing.

Dallas never really cares what movie he watches. Usually watches anything and whatever that's on. Right now a romance movie was playing.

You took another sip of your hot chocolate but forgetting to blow on it. You ended up burning your tongue.

"Ouch! God that's hot" Dallas looked over worried. "Are you okay?" He grabbed the mug out of your hands while you blew air out trying to cool down your tongue.

"I have an idea" he smirked. He grabbed your chin to face him. He leaned in connecting your lips together.

He kissed you passionately and in sync to the movement of your own lips. He licked your bottom lick for approval.

You opened your mouth slightly which still gave Dallas the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth.

He didn't leave any crevice of your mouth unexplored. You had completely forgotten about hurting your tongue beforehand.

Dallas pulled away and smirked. Your noses still touching. "You feel better now Babe?" He whispered.

You nodded blushing. "Good. Now come on and snuggle with me till this movie is over." "Will you be going back to your apartment later afterwards?" You asked. He shook his head.

"Naw, I won't be going back to Buck's tonight don't worry." He reassured. You nodded and snuggled into his side. He wrapped his arm around you to keep you close and warm.

"Umm, Babe?" Dallas started. You hummed in response.

"My nose is bleedin' again."


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