Dallas | ♡ | Johnny's Sister

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"Cmon! I told the gang that we wouldn't be late. They can't wait to meet you!" Johnny smiled shoving his hands into his jacket pockets.

You smiled and followed him. You also kept an eye out since it was getting dark. You wanted to keep an eye out on your younger brother.

Johnny was sixteen while you were a few months older. You were seventeen.

The two of you walked a little longer before Johnny took a quick turn. You started to feel anxious.

Meeting new people. Not something you do everyday. Especially making new friends? 'Impossible' you muttered under your breath.

Johnny didn't seem to hear. You were quite skeptical about all of this. You haven't met anyone new in a long while.

The only people you ever see is Johnny, your parents and some classmates. You never really go outside out of school.

You usually lock yourself in your room and play music to block out your parents screaming and yelling. You definitely weren't the social type.

Your head was brought out of the clouds when Johnny called your name.

"(Name?) (Name!) Are you listing to me?" He whispered. You nodded knowing Johnny never really spoke loudly.

"We're here anyways" he said as you both fixed your eyes on a small home with a metal fence and gate. The house looked like yours but a little nicer.

"Cmon! There waiting for us!" Johnny grabbed your hand and made his way towards the front door.

Your grip on his hand let loose and you stopped. Johnny stopped too. He knew what you were thinking about.

"Hey it's okay! They are really nice I promise. Just trust me okay?" You hesitantly nodded. Johnny smiled.

"Alright let's go then." Johnny nodded. He then opened the front door. Once the door was opened you saw five boys yelling and making noise.

You looked down on the floor and saw one of the guys sitting down with a plate of chocolate cake and a beer in his hand watching Mickey Mouse.

Looking over towards another two at a table. They were arm wrestling. Making a lot of noise. Their faces looked like they were about to pop from the strength they were using.

You heard some more voices from the kitchen. "Ponyboy I told you to do your homework didn't I? Your teacher called me today!" A gruff voice was scolding someone. He didn't talk for a bit. "Is that a cigarette?!"

'Ponyboy? The kid Johnny always talks about?" I looked at Johnny who was shorter than me. "Hey guys" Johnny's quiet voice somehow reached the boys inside the loud house.

They all looked towards the door seeing Johnny and you. "Hey! Two-Bit! Turn off the TV will ya?! We've got a new visitor" a boy with a sleeveless jacket called down to the boy on the ground.

Two-Bit groaned. "Fine! I'm going to watch Mickey Mouse later then." He grumbled finishing his beer. He looked towards the doorway and spit out the beer.

"Who the hell is that broad?!" He yelled wide eyed. "Johnny is this your chick? Didn't know you liked taller broads" Johnny looked disgusted.

"HEY! THAT HURT WHAT THE HELL STEVE?" Two-Bit yelled when Steve hit him in the head. "That's Johnny's older sister you dimwit. He told us that he would bring her over today? Don't you remember?" Two-Bit scratched his head.


"Who. The. Hell. Spilt. Beer. On. The. Carpet..." large stomps were heard coming from the kitchen. A tall man with broad shoulders came into the living room. He stared at Two-Bit.

"You little-" he started but was cut off by Ponyboy. "Hi! You must be (Name!) Johnny's older sister, right?" He asked. You nodded your head.

"Good to finally meet you." He smiled. Darry realized they had a guest. "So sorry for the bumpy first impression. I'm Darrel. But you can just call me Darry. Good to finally meet you. Johnny has mentioned you a lot" Darry nodded.

You smiled back. "Good to meet you too. Johnny has mentioned you all-" before you could finish your sentence the front door opened again.

The smell of cigarettes and alcohol flew towards your nose. You gagged slightly.

"Hey guys." The tall boy looked down completely ignoring you. He flung his arm around your brother's shoulders.

"Hey Johnny, how's it goin' man?" He slurred. "It's going alright Dal-" before he could finish the boy looked towards you.

"Who's this?" He slurred. "You must be Dallas Winston." You stated. "The one and only girlie." He smirked.

"Uhhh Dally, this is my sister, (Name). (Name) this is Dally." Johnny awkwardly introduced us. Suddenly Dally spluttered out in surprise.

Suddenly in an instant he's sober and he quickly spins his gaze to Johnny and back to you. "That's your sister?!"


Dunno if I'll do a part two or maybe a book if I have the time over the summer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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