Ponyboy | ♡ / 〆 | Trackstar's Soc

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"You're Ponyboy Curtis right?" A Soc walked over to Pony who just finished his track training for the day.

He looked up at you. "Yeah I am. Why?" He asked curiously. He was waiting for them to ask "is that your real name?" Or just for them to make a snarky comment about him being a Greaser.

"You're really good track you know? You have speed." He was stunned. Did this Soc just compliment him? "What?" He questioned.

"Oh! Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name is-" You we're interrupted by someone called your name. "(Name)! Get your pretty ass over here and away from that Greaser!"

You and Pony looked towards the voice and you grumbled. You two saw the blue mustang. "Fuck off Bob! You have a girlfriend! Or should I said had a girlfriend! Cherry was right on dumping your ass!" you yelled back.

"What?!" Bob barked irritated from your snarky comeback. He started to get out of the car.

Ponyboy didn't want to deal with this asshole today and grabbed your hand. You were surprised but ran with him anyways. You flipped off Bob while running away.

You two ran a few blocks. You surprised yourself you were somehow able to keep up with his speed.

The two of you stopped in front of the DX. "Hey are you okay?" Pony questioned. You looked up at him. "Yeah I'm okay. Thanks for saving me back there." You smiled.

Pony blushed finding you smile cute. He turned around, his back facing you so you don't see his face.

"Do you need a drink? I can go get one from the shop." He suggested. "That would be nice. I'll come with you" you stated. He nodded.

You two were making your way to the gas station shop. As you two were going to go in Steve and Two-Bit walked out with a Pepsi in Steve's hand an a beer in Two-Bit's.

"Woah! Ponyboy! Where did you pick up this cute broad?" Two-Bit laughed. Steve looked at the two of you chocking on his Pepsi.

Pony looked up at them blushing shaking his head. "I didn't pick them up! We just had to run away from Bob and his gang of Socs after my track training thats all!" He defended.

Steve laughed. "Fine but no way that broad is a Greaser." He motioned to your outfit and school bag which was obliviously good quality. Ponyboy looked over to you.

"Yeah they aren't a Greaser. They're a Soc." Ponyboy stated. "What?!" Two-Bit's eyes widened. 'He's already drunk out of his mind' Pony thought.

Steve checked the time. "Oh shit I gotta get back to work. See you around Pony" he said as he walked away throwing his Pepsi can into a nearby trash can.

"I've got to go to. I don't want to miss Mickey Mouse. See you later Pony!" Two-Bit skipped away. You giggled as Pony sighed. He looked over and blushed again.

The two of you entered the DX. The two of you saw Soda restocking some shelves. He heard the door open and close and looked over.

"Oh, hey Pony. How was track today?" He asked. Ponyboy nodded. "It was good. Can you pass me two Pepsis?" Soda nodded and gave Pony the Pepsis.

"Here you go." He smiled. He looked over and say you. "Oh hello gorgeous! Didn't see you there." He smiled.

"No problem! Here" you opened a pocket of your school bag and took out $20. "Here's for the Pepsi." You smiled.

Soda and Ponyboy's eyes widened in surprise. "You don't need to pay for them! Seriously!" Soda tried to refuse. You grabbed his wrist and placed the money down anyways. "Keep the change." You grinned.

Soda was stunned. "Wow...thanks a lot!" He smiled gratefully. "Let's go Ponyboy!" You turned to him and started walking out. Ponyboy followed.

The two of you walked around drinking your Pepsi. You both decided to sit at a curb.

The two of you watched the sunset in the distance. It was peaceful. "Hey Ponyboy?" You started. He looked at you puzzled waiting for you to continue.

You looked at him. "Do you hate Socs?" Ponyboy thought. "No. I don't hate Socs. We are all human at the end of the day. I do wish that there was a place where people were just people. Normal people...my friend Johnny told me that."

You nodded in understanding. "Can we be friends?" You asked. Pony smiled. "Yeah. I'd like that." "Great! I've got to go now Pony. I'll see you around school alright?" You said standing up.

He nodded and waved goodbye. He stayed a little longer watching the sunset. He then looked over to where you sat. There was a note under a small rock.

He took the paper and read it. It was your number.

He smiled.


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