Andreas Chen is seducing me, and is succeeding

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"Did you get my pumpkin spice latte?" asked Daniel over the phone. After my last class of the day, I had to walk past the café to get to the front of the school. He begged me to stop and get him a pumpkin spice latte, said that I owed him since he dropped me off at school, which he offered by the way. But since I'm a good person, I got him the drink.

"Yes, I got it. Are you paying me back?" I ask. This is college, money doesn't fall from the sky, even though I wish it would.

"If I do, will you pay me back for gas?" He asks sarcastically.

I sigh, "Touché. I'm coming through the door now." I stick my key in the lock, push it open and walk through the door. I'm greeted by Bridget coming down the stairs, a tight red halter dress clings to her body. Black platform heels with butterflies make her legs look long, she's already tall how much taller does she need to get?

"Fantastic! Sit it in my room, I'm upstairs with Carlee." I hang up the phone. Once she sees me, her eyes light up.

"Don't I look hot sis?" She asked. Why would she even ask me that, she already knows the answer? I check the time on my watch, it's only 7 at night, where could she be going? "There's a beginning of the year party on Greek row, wanna come there's still time?"

"Nah, I'm just going to watch a movie and eat leftover taco soup." It's been weeks since school has started, and I've been booked. Reading after reading, paper after paper, lesson after lesson, I don't think I can take it anymore. Jill and I have been in the library all week, helping each other study and get our work done. The only thing I've been consuming is coffee and donuts. My pants are beginning to not fit anymore.

Bridget groans, "SOOOOOO lame Eliza. College is about partying and living life to the fullest. You should be out making friends, not studying in the library, and sitting at home on a Friday night like a loser." On her left is a mirror, she pulls out her glossy lip-gloss and puts some on. She puckers, adds some more, sticks the tube in her white clutch with stones on them, and heads to the kitchen.

"I rather pass college the first time around!" I yell as she walks to the kitchen. All I see is her flipping me off, the only thing left behind is her strong perfume. I believe it's Chanel number 5. How do I know this? Bridget has a different perfume for every event. Party, class, award ceremony's, birthday party, and even funerals. I can't believe I know all of this about my sister, it's weird.

I then remember the latte in my hands, need to get this to Daniel's room. I cross the living room and walk down the narrow hallway to the room. Daniel's room is the last room on the right, across from his is Carlee's. Out of all the rooms in the house, Daniel's is my favorite. In the corner of his room sits a large vinyl collection and an old, rustic guitar.

One day, when I was tired and worn out, he played me a song on his guitar. His soft and melodious voice put me to sleep right on the spot. I asked him why he didn't change his major from Psychology to music, never got an answer from him.

An unmade bed sits in the middle of the room, two nightstands on the side that hold a lamp and various letters from the mail. I sit the latte on his dresser, then turn back to the hall. Before I walk halfway down it, I run into a wall.

A wall?

Not a wall, but a large chest with big pec muscles, abs like a god. Water drips down the crest of his abs, my eyes are glued to the unknown body. A tattoo of a dragon starts from the pec to the bottom of the waist. I have to hold my hands behind my back so I won't be tempted to trace it. "Elizabeth?" The voice is dark and sexy, deep with treasure. I instantly know who it is.

My eyes look to see Andreas already looking at me. He bites his lip, even his dark, curly hair is wet. God, he looks even sexier wet. How the hell can Bridget, Monica and Carlee live with him and not gawk? They treat him like a sibling. I could never see him as a brother.

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