The worst has come to pass

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Andreas P.O.V-

Tonight, we face off against Notre Dame. 

Notre Dame, also known as the Fighting Irish, is known for having such an excellent football team. Coach Spencer is the worst, I don't know how his players put up with him.

We are in the lead. Our team has 35 points while Notre Dame has 18. Coach and us are the most surprised. Everyone thought that we would come on this field and lose, I would include myself in the bunch, but we have surprised myself.

One thing I didn't think was going to happen did. 

It all happened in slow motion, one-minute Jace was running across the field, ball in hand, the next thing I knew he was being tackled by Notre Dame's left offensive linemen. Football players get tackled all the time, there isn't anything new about that, but the way he was hit, that wasn't normal.

He went down with a hard thud, so loud and shattering I thought it would shake the stadium. I swear all the sound was canceled out, and my heart was beating ten times over I thought it would shatter my entire being.

Jace was down, Jace was hurt. 

My eyes find Teddy across the field, but he's already running to Jace. Arms pumping, legs racing to him.

The crowd is rumbling, wondering what happened to number 34. I don't hear them clearly, but the announcers are reporting what is happening down here for the entire stadium.

"Make some room!" One of our freshman recruits, Parker Lyon, screams to everyone. The Notre Dame players all started to back up, the guy that hit Jace is practically pulling out his hair.

"I- I didn't mean to hit him that hard! It was a mistake." He babbles on some more, his teammates trying to console him, eliminating his hysterics.

I push my way through the crowd, wanting to see how my best friend was doing. My eyes search over him, his eyes were threaded together, lips woven and his arm, oh god his arm. Not just his arm, but his shoulder. I'm not a doctor or anything, but I can tell you one thing: it's 100 percent broken.

Teddy picks up his head, putting it in his lap. "Dude, your fucking arm is like detached from your body!" 

Jace finally opens his eyes, looks at his arm, and almost throws up from the site, "No fucking way, Teddy. I don't need you to remind me, just make sure that-"

"Jace! Jace!" I look up to see Monica running across the football field to us. She kicks off her platform heels and pushes all the players out the way. One thing about Monica is that she loves Jace to death, and the look of fear and worry in her eyes and face shakes me. "Baby, oh my god are you alright? See, this is why I hate that you play football, haven't I told you that?"

He rolls his eyes, grunting from the pain, "Yes, plenty of times." 

"And yet you never listen to me, now look at you, your arm is about to fall off. Oh god!" Teddy moves out the way so she could hold him, he clasps his hand around hers, holding on for dear life. Like she could take the pain away. She leans down and kisses the top of his head. 

"He's basically Woody," Teddy says to break the ice-cold mood.

"Good one." Jace manages to say. If my arm was like that, there's no way I could talk, let alone laugh at a joke.

See, this is what you could have, my mind tells me.

There isn't a time when Elizabeth doesn't cross my mind. From the moment I get up until the moment I go to sleep, she is on my mind. 

I haven't seen her since she's moved out, and haven't asked around about her. I know that the others go and visit her when they can, when they asked why I haven't, I just make up an excuse about me being busy or too tired, and I'm sure she doesn't want to see me.

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