If you want me, you need to fight for me

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I look her in the eyes, "I love you."

She gasps, "Again."

I smile, "I love you, Elizabeth."

She turns her head to her sister, who has now simmered down. "He loves me, Bridget. You can't kill him now."

"Fuck, I know. Why are you just now saying this, why not before?" She questions.

I shake my head, the whole house is looking at me now, this is so exposing. "I was scared to say that I loved your sister, because it made it real. I have loved before, and that same love almost killed me. I was scared of the same thing happening with Elizabeth, but I know now that what I have with your sister is different, Bridget. I went to Stanford, to talk to Jessie, to hear her side of the story, and let go of the anger I felt for the past three years. I know it sounds crazy, but that one conversation cleared up everything, I don't feel anger or anything, I'm cleansed."

"Let me talk to Andreas, alone." Elizabeth takes my hand, leading us into the backyard. We sit in the chairs that look out into the woods. After a few minutes passed of us staring at the sky, she speaks.

"So, you love me?"

"I do." I look over at her, she's already looking at me. I rub her cheek with my thumb.

"You went to go talk to Jessie?"

I nod my head, "Yes, and it was needed. She's happy and I'm happy, it's all that matters. I want you, Elizabeth. I want you to be mine."

She sighs, then looks up at the sky, "It's true, I've been wanting you to tell me that you love me, but that doesn't mean I'm going to forgive you for everything and jump into your arms."

I fiddle with my fingers, "I know."

"You're going to have to fight for me." She gets up from her chair.

"I know, and I will."

As she walks away, I hear her say something, "I know you will." Then, she shuts the door and leaves me outside. Most likely going in to tame her sister.


We won our game against Washington. It was a tight game at first and we thought that we would walk away with a loss, but Topolski pulled off the best play of the century, which led us to victory.

After coach pat our backs and congratulated us, we all decided to go to a bar across the street from our hotel here in Washington. 

It's busy out here, with it being a Friday night and all, what do you expect. Girls are in their most scandalous clothes, talking to guys or talking to their friends in a group. The lights from the buildings shine around us, creating a hue of colors. 

I walk behind the team as they all point out the hot girls, talk about our win, or brag about how much they will drink. Parker is the head of the group, trying to say that he can beat them, and if he does win, he will pay each member 100 dollars each, which I believe he can afford. His parents are some types of moguls, doesn't matter if they're rich, that makes Parker rich by blood.

He throws his money around like it's nothing, he's a great football player, but that's all there is to him. He buys the team with money, which usually works for him, but not with me.

We all walk into the bar. Loud music, and the smell of beer and perfume waft in the air. A large booth is empty in the back of the bar, we all rush over before someone else takes it. The bar is pretty nice. It's 1920's themed. A couple of chandeliers hang from the ceiling, the booths are tan and golden looking. Old black and white photos of celebrities from the golden age of Hollywood hang on the wall. 

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