Love is supposed to hurt, right?

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"Usually when people ask that question, the person says no. I just didn't expect a yes."

His brows scrunch up, the taco that was once in his hands now sits on the plate. Chicken and vegetables spill out of the tortilla shell. "Then why ask?"

"It's the nice thing to do. What if you decide to jump out the window, I don't want the regret of not asking what's wrong." It's true, I sometimes lack empathy, but for a situation like this, it would kill me not to ask. No pun intended.

He chuckles, patting the seat next to him. I walk over and sit back down, the duvet comforting my butt. He resumes back to his taco. "What do you want to know?"

"Uhhhh, I guess we can start with this Jessie chick. I heard Monica say the name."

He freezes, "She's my ex-girlfriend."

"Ok, what else?" I push on for more.

He sighs, those black eyes of his look to me, "She decided to move here with her boyfriend. He's attending Stanford University, an hour away from us. Meaning, there's a chance I could see him around, see them together." He shivers like a wave of cold air came over him. "I left my state specifically so I could get away from them. When Berkeley offered me a scholarship, I didn't hesitate to take it."

"Damn, that's got to suck. And I'm assuming this guy she's dating right now cheated on you with him?" He nods. "God, I would hate to be you right now." I shift around.

"It does suck to be me. Like, why me? Why couldn't he go to another college, in fucking Canada? They have both ruined my life enough, made me look like a fool."

He explains his origin story, "Did you know that James was my best friend, I'm talking we were hip to hip, our parents couldn't separate us. We both bonded over comic books, TV, and football. As we got older, we became even close. Then, we got to high school and I met Jessie. She was a tom-boy, me, she and James became a trio, it was never weird, him hanging around us. James and Jessie would argue about conspiracy theories and would occasionally fight over me." He laughs at the sweet memory; the sound soothes me.

"After two years of Jessie and I being in a relationship, things started to change. It was senior year, and things got busy. With colleges trying to scout me and keeping up with grades adding on SAT and ACT prep, I was incredibly busy. While I was trying to get my shit on track, James and Jessie spent more time together, which I didn't think there was anything wrong with it since they were good friends. Turns out, they were GOOD friends if you know what I mean."

"Sadly, I do."

He continues with the rest of the story, "I stopped by Jessie's house with her favorite food, Taco Bell. Her younger brother let me in, I walked up the steps. When I came in front of her door, I heard moans coming from inside. I thought she was watching a saucy movie, I thought it would be funny to catch her in the act, she hates that. It backfired on me, because I caught her in the act, with James."

I hold my hand over my mouth, shocked by it all. I find my other hand on top of his, stroking it softly with my thumb, he doesn't move it. "She was on top of him, riding his dick like a fucking bull. It was a whole minute before they noticed me, I couldn't even move from the spot. It felt like a dream, a horrible and unrealistic dream. There was no way my best friend, from when we were little would sleep with my girlfriend. When they finally saw me, she tried to explain everything, but I didn't want to hear it. James laid on the bed, dick still hard, not a care was on his face. It was like he wanted me to know he was fucking my girl. I ran out of the house, drove home, and sat in the driveway all night. My mom found me knocked out on the dashboard. After that, I've never trusted women."

Realization comes over me, "Is that why you sleep around?"

"Yeah, it-"

"It's easier for you to have sex with girls that only want your body and not any sort of commitment. I get it, I would do the same thing. One day you'll fall for someone, then what?" I question.

He shakes his head, "I'll never fall in love with another woman, I've been physically altered to never fall in love. Plus, who wants someone broken anyway?" It comes out so nonchalant. He finishes up his taco, setting the plate on his dresser, next to a box of tissues and lotion. I wonder if those items are used for masturbation?

A girl can wonder.

"You don't know that, Andreas. Don't be so dramatic, you sound like a bad rom-com from Hallmark. People get hurt, it's natural. That doesn't mean you should stop loving people, it's a beautiful thing."

His brow lifts, I see his hand is now cradling mine. "Have you ever been in love, Elizabeth?"

I rack my brain, "I can't say I have, no."

"Then how do you know it's a beautiful thing, that's it worth it?"

I turn to him, "Because if we weren't supposed to love, it wouldn't exist. Hurting is a normal thing, it helps us weed out the bad, and search for better qualities in a potential mate. Once we find it, we never let it go, and treat it right. Maybe not now, or in the next week, but you'll find someone you love, and never want to let go. Look at Jack and Rose, if they wouldn't have died, they would have been a bomb ass couple." I point out.

He just stares at me, dumbfounded. "Elizabeth Pratt, you cease to amaze me."

I shrug off the blush by punching his arm. "It's this philosophy class I'm taking, making me talk like a Greek philosopher. But I am right, and you know it."

He becomes quiet, "Elizabeth, I want to apologize."

"For what?"

"For what happened on the night of the party, when I- you know- to you. It was hot at the moment, don't get me wrong, but these past few days, it felt wrong. It was like I was using your body without your permission. I don't want you to think I'm some pervert because I see you for more than your physique." I stare at him, baffled.

"Is Andreas Chen apologizing, and the world didn't explode."

He laughs, I like seeing him smile. "That is the only time you'll hear me apologizing to you, savor it."

"Oh, you bet your tiny dick I will."

His eyes become hooded, "Now, you know I'm not small, you felt me."

I can feel sexual tension erupt around us, "Mhm, that could have been a banana in your pocket."

"Alright, get the fuck out Elizabeth." He jokes, pointing towards the door.

"Yes, sir." I salute. My legs walk me to his door, before walking out, he stops me.


"Yes, Andreas."

"Thank you for the tacos and conversation. It's nice getting this off my chest."

"Don't get used to it, because it won't be happening again." I strut out of the room, feeling his eyes glued on me.

The Taunting (College Life #1)Where stories live. Discover now