The Proposition

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He keeps looking at me, even as his teammates try to get his attention. "Why is he looking at you like that?" Daniel asks.

"I- I don't know. He's probably looking for us. ANDREAS, WE'RE OVER HERE!" I stand up to scream down at him, he laughs and waves to us all.

"BEAT HIS ASS ANDREAS!" We all look to Monica; the determination was all over her face. I wonder who this HE is?


1 hour later. . .

Update: All my popcorn is gone, my back is drenched with sweat and my ass hurts. Also, we're currently losing to Stanford. The score is 23 for Stanford and 15 for Berkeley. It's not that bad but isn't good. The coach for our team has slammed his clipboard on the ground so many times, it's now broken. They aren't lying, coaches are angry people.

I can tell Andreas is stressed, which makes me stressed too. He's run his hands through his hair so many times and has been mumbling curse words to himself. Turns out, James, the guy Jessie cheated on him with, is playing for Stanford tonight. And it's been putting him on edge, I can't imagine what's going through his mind right now. And with Jessie being in the stands, he's hanging off the roof.

I want to go down there and smack him in the head, telling him not to let that prick of a guy get in his head. But it's too late for that. It's now halftime, the Berkeley choir is singing some weird-ass song, whatever it is, everyone is bored.

I need to go talk to him.

"Hey, I need to go to the bathroom. Be right back." I say to everyone, getting up from my seat.

"Oh! I'll go with you." says a chipper Jill.

"No, you stay here, I'll be quick." My eyes beg her to sit down, she takes the hint and plops into her seat. Before getting out of the aisle, she pulls me down by my jacket, "Tell Andreas I say hi."

My face steams up, I run off before anyone can see it.

Finding the locker room is harder than I thought it was, halftime is about to be over in 12 minutes. I file through all the people, shoving shoulders and even pushing a kid to the side, to my luck, he didn't fall over. With the luck of God, I see a sign that says Berkeley locker room, points towards the bottom.

I follow the arrow, walking down a bunch of steps until I arrive at a door that says, "Men's football locker room." I would push the doors open, but what if they're naked? That would be awkward. An older guy passes me, when the doors open, I get a peek of Jace.

"Jace! Jace!" I yell, he sees me, cocks his head to the side, probably wondering what the hell I'm doing down here, and runs over to me, bursting through the doors.

"Is Monica, ok?" His eyes fill with worry.

"She's fine, loud, but fine. I need to see An-"

"Andreas?" He lifts his brow, looking at me with amusement.

I flush up, "Yeah. "

"Cover your eyes."

"Can't he just come out here to see me, I'm not trying to see tiny dicks, Jace?"

He chuckles, "You won't if you cover your eyes. He's pretty furious, he won't want to come out here, too many cameras and reporters. "I turn around to see that it's true. How did I miss that?

I do as he says and cover my eyes, tightly. Jace's hands grab onto my shoulders, the doors fly open and a waft of sweat and anger seeps into my nose. Please don't let me see a penis.

Andreas P.O.V-

All my teammates groan and moan as they lay on the ground and benches, exhausted and angry.

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