Teddy wants Elizabeth, I'm not suprised

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Teddy had this thing with a freshman.

Last semester, before summer break, he took up with a girl who was a freshman. After a week of sleeping with her, he up and left. The next thing I know, she's standing outside my class looking for Teddy. When I told her I didn't know, she accused me of hiding him from her. For weeks she stalked Teddy, at one point he had to bunk with me. After a while he couldn't keep up the charade of hiding, so he met with her and told her she was just a body to him and didn't want anything more. Angry at him, she transferred to another campus.

"No way, don't corrupt her Ted. Plus, how do you know our boy Andre doesn't want her. His eyes couldn't leave her when she waved." His eyebrows wiggle with seduction. I don't want her, but. . .. I can't get her out of my head. Maybe it's a simple crush, I don't know, but until I know, my mouth will remain shut.

"She's all yours Teddy," I tell him. "She's staying with us so maybe you can stop by."

"Wait! First, your roommate has a hot freshman for a sister. Secondly, your roommate's hot freshman sister is staying with you and you're just now telling me." He looks hurt, "I don't think you're a true friend."

I check the time on my phone, damn we need to get to practice before coach chews our ass out. "Whatever Teddy, stop by the house and meet her. Until then, we need to get to practice." I look back to see her gone. So is Daniel.

I and the boys head off to the locker room for a grueling practice.


I rub my shoulder with intense pressure as I walk through the doors of the New Sequoia apartments. Football practice was indeed grueling. One of our teammates was late to practice, meaning we were all late. We had to do 100 Burpees, Fifty 40's, and Indian runs. All I want to do is lay down, and then take a long, hot bath with the smell of lavender wafting around me. But first, I need to stop by a friend's house.

I've been having tons of games for the past two weeks, which comes with extra practice to make us sharp. Also, with all my classwork and my job at the library, there's been no time to do anything. Especially no time to have sex. As a man, I NEED sex, but right now I don't care for it. My friend and I have a deal, if one of us needs the other we come running, no matter how tired or busy we are. She's called me a least two times, but I've bailed, and in return, she cursed me out.

My bruised finger presses the button for the elevator. Walking onto the third floor, I rap on her door with my equally bruised knuckles. Behind the door, Juliette answers with paint all over her body and long black hair tied in a loose bun on her head. She looks worn out, drowsiness seers in her hazel brown eyes. If you asked me what Juliette looked like, I would say a young Aishwarya Rai, minus the crystal eyes of course.

I met Juliette during my sophomore year of college. It was a Halloween party at Zeta Psi, with lots of alcohol, naked girls, and horny men. Across the room, I was talking to Jace and Teddy, when I saw a skinny little thing arguing with a gargantuan man. Whatever they were arguing about must have been serious, because his hand gripped her arm.

She tried pulling away from him, but he wouldn't let go. He wasn't violently pulling her, just holding her so she won't walk away. Which, at the time, I didn't know. The red cup that was once in my hand fell to the ground. I stormed across the room and punched the guy in the face. Juliette screamed and told me to let him go, that he wasn't hurting her. It didn't matter, no man should ever put or grab a woman with his hands.

Since it was a mistake, Jace, Teddy, and I were kicked out of the party. Teddy was so mad he wouldn't talk to me for a week. It was an honor for us to be invited to a Zeta Psi party, and for me to ruin it, yikes. Now, since our football team is winning game after game, we are carried into these parties.

A few weeks later, we attended a Pi Alpha Phi party. To my surprise, Juliette was standing across the room wearing a short black dress sipping on a Bud light beer. I went over to apologize, that I didn't mean to punch out her boyfriend, explained that I thought he was hurting her. She told me it was alright, that she broke up with him after the Zeta Psi party.

Before I walked away, she told me how attracted she was when I beat up the guy. The next thing I know, her dress was pushed up on her waist and I was fucking her from behind in the hallway's bathroom. People were beating on the door, wanting us to get out so they could pee, but Juliette told me if I stopped, she would beat my ass.

Maybe she was the violent one.

After that day, we've been having sex all the time. But in the past two weeks, nothing. Juliette's not just a fuckbuddy to me, but a good friend and someone I can confide in during tough times. And in college, there are always tough times.

"Hey, Julie baby," I said flirtatiously. My arm rests up against the inside of her door as I flash a sexy smile.

She wipes her forehead, red paint comes across it. "It's after 8, I wanted you to come around 5."

"Sorry, I had late practice. I texted you that I would be late." Her colored hand pulls out a black phone and checks her text messages. An 'o' look forms on her mouth.

"Damn, sorry. I've just been so busy on my project, I can't even remember time or how to check my phone, come on in." She moves out the way, letting me in. Strong chemicals fill the air as she shuts the door. "Don't forget to take your shoes off." She points out.

I forgot, she's 100% OCD.

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