Jill Del Campo is a slut shamer!

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I stare at my screen, hoping he would text me back, but he doesn't. It's been over 24 hours and nothing. I called him he didn't pick up, I texted him and even slid into his DMs on Instagram and nothing.

You're not fully forgiven.

He's so mad at me, he has to be. I was thinking of sending him a message that I'm in the hospital, but that's too evil.

I may have to do it, it's probably the only way he will answer me.

"You ready to go?" asked Jill, who's coming out of the bathroom. After we got done in ethics, she had to pee. I told her that she could just walk out and go to the bathroom, the teacher wouldn't care, but she was scared and decided to sit in pain as her kidneys kicked her ass.

The only thing I heard in class today was the grumbling of her stomach and the curse words she muttered under her breath.

"Yes, just to let you know, you should never hold your pee in." She pushes on her stomach, trying to ease the pain she's feeling.

I push back her black, raven hair from her face, showing me her sparkly black eyes and furry eyebrows, "I know that now come on. Is Tana meeting up with us?" I asked her as we walk down the hall of the psychology building. Students walk past us, as some of them sit at tables drinking coffee and doing assignments that are probably due today.

"I think she is. Let me text her." We move over to the wall. "She said she has to wait behind for a few minutes for her test results. You want to sit and wait, it shouldn't be long."


We find a table by the tall, long windows that overlook the campus. I take out my water, taking a drink of some of it.

"Hey, while we have this time, I need to talk to you about something," said Jill. From the way that her face tightened up, I could tell it was serious.

"You know you can tell me anything, go for it."

She sighs, "You know that Daniel and I are now dating." I nod my head. "And with us dating, we've been having amazing sex." I nod again, starting to feel uncomfortable. "With the sex, we've been thinking about having it for the first time, without a condom."

My eyes widen, "Oh! Wait, is he forcing you to do it without a condom because I will-"

"No!" She waves her hands around. "He's not like that, he doesn't force me to do anything I don't want to do." I calm down, Daniel was about to get his ass beat. "We've both been thinking about it, and I kind of want it. You know they say that sex feels so much better when you don't wear a condom. I want to feel his dick inside me, every vein, every thrust I want to feel it all. I bet I would have the best-"

"Please make it stop!" I scream, covering up my ears. Jill tends to overshare her sexual relationship with Daniel, if you don't stop her, she will keep going. I never met someone who overshares like Jill Del Campo.

"Are you serious? Fucking whore. Hell, you're probably the biggest slut in this building right now." She rolls her eyes. I look around, hoping no one heard that. I can handle getting slut shamed from my friend, not from others I don't know.

I almost spit out my water, "Whore! Slut! What the hell does that mean?" I ask, stunned by the derogatory words she just spat at me.

"You let Andreas fuck you in his car, in his fucking car, Eliza." Alright, now I regret telling her that. I can't believe she's throwing that back at me, it's not my fault blame being horny. She decides to tell me more about the sexual adventures I had with Andreas. "Didn't you tell me you sucked his dick in the private library, and yet you're telling me you can't listen to this?"

My cheeks flush, "He was in pain, what was I supposed to do! And I told you not to bring that up! When I told you that, I didn't give you details."

"You told me you let him come in your mouth." Fuck, I told her that. "I don't even let Daniel do that to me, you're a fucking freak. Didn't you also say that he stuck three fingers in you and-"

"Ok!" I wave around my hands, wanting this conversation to be over. "We established I'm a whore for Andreas Chen. I can't help it." I mumble the last part. I really can't, it's pathetic. If he told me to bend over, roll over, spread them, I would.

I have before.

"Slut." She says, smiling at me.

"I- whatever, let's talk about you. So, sex without a condom, should you do it or not?"

"That's why I'm asking you, have you and Andreas ever had sex without a condom?"

"No, we always used a condom, he even made sure I knew how to properly put it on. Having sex without a condom is a pretty big step in a relationship. Daniel's a clean guy so I don't think you have to worry about an STD. "I then remember something. "This was a couple of weeks ago, but Daniel had an STD. I remember because he was going to drive me to campus, but Andreas did instead so he could go to the doctors."

Her whole face blows up with shock, and her voice becomes deadly serious. "Eliza, we've been having sex every day, no exaggeration, every single fucking day. Why wouldn't he tell me!" She starts breathing hard, panic in her eyes. I reach across the table for her hand, but she swats it away. "Why are you just now telling me this?"

"I didn't know you guys were fucking around that time. I would have said something, you know I would have."

She grabs up her bag, "I've got to go stop by the health center, I need to get tested. I can't get an STD, Eliza!" She screams, and everyone within a 50 feet radius hears us. She doesn't care, she's running out of the building, mumbling under her breath how she's going to kill Daniel.

Oh, crap.

I can see the headlines right now.

"Latina woman kills boyfriend over STD. Some say he was asking for it, her friend is to blame."

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