Humpty dumpty (Topolski) had a great fall

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"Go, boys! I want to see those bodies whimper in pain." Coach Karter screams from the sidelines of the football field. He's a good coach, but there is something sinister about him, if we're in pain then that means everything's going to plan, according to him.

Currently, we're on the football field running various footwork drills that we do every other day. High-to-low, circle-around-the-cone, and fast feet drills. For us veteran players, we're used to the drills and the aching pain that comes after it. These new freshmen are about to fall over. In high school, they don't work you as hard as college ball does. Most of us want to, hopefully, get drafted in the NFL, failing isn't an option.

"Topolski! What the hell was that, my mother can move better than that, do it again!" Coach yells again, I'm surprised he hasn't lost his voice.

Gerald Topolski is not the most balanced person, he will fall over the air if it was possible. He's one of the new freshmen recruits, all the way from the boonies of Indiana. There, he played Quarterback, now he's our alternate.

The quarterback is the leader of the group; they call out the plays and receive the ball from the center. Then he hands off the ball to a running back, throws it to a receiver, or runs with it. The boy's got a great throwing hand, our mouths were on the ground when we saw him throw the ball 50 yards across the field.

The current Quarterback is my best friend, Jace. He's the best we've ever seen until Topolski came along. With Jace getting older, and about to graduate in a year, Topolski will take over his spot. It may be sooner than we think.

I stand behind the white line in front of a bunch of orange cones that descend the field. The point of this exercise is to work on our agility, which makes us swifter to pass our rivals up on the field. After my teammate River completes the exercise, doing it perfectly, I'm up. My feet swish through the cones, I keep my breathing steady and feet light. My arms pump up tons of energy, in a matter of seconds, I'm done.

"Good Job, Chen! Now that's what I want to see, be more like Chen." As I walk to the back of the line, the boys whisper to me that I'm a suck-up and a goodie. I know they're just playing around, in response, I stick up my middle finger.

As I stand in line, my mind drifts off to my long, and excruciating life. Since my degree is in biology, I'm taking tons of science classes. The one I hate the most is biostatics, and it doesn't help that my teacher is a total ass.

Tons of homework and reading from the textbook, which I hate. Reading is so boring, all those words and pages, I don't know how people enjoy it. On top of that, I work part-time at the Bancroft Library, which is the easiest job ever. All I do is stock books on the shelf, which brought me down to the last floor of the library where I saw Elizabeth.

Before walking up to her, I stood off to the side taking her in. Her curly hair was tied in a bun, some tendrils were hanging on the side and nape of her neck. A baby blue sweater clung to her upper body, making her breast look huge, boyfriend jeans made her ass stand out, amazing. I didn't know what she was looking for, but her brows were scrunched up, all serious looking. She's hot when she's lost in thought.

I loved when she squirmed around when I wanted her to explain what happened on the night of the party. I know it was wrong of me to come inside of Ollie while fixating on Elizabeth, but I couldn't help it. When she came out of the room, her body froze up and her nipples hardened through the tank top, God it was so fucking thin. Then, when I thought she would run, her body never moved. She stood there like a statue, staring at my chest then my dick. It was the best thing that's happened to me since I've been in college, I wasn't inside of her, but at that moment, I wanted to be.

Ever since that night, I haven't been able to stop thinking of Elizabeth Pratt. Playing with her in the hall and the library has been fun, seeing her angry and frustrated makes me flustered. Bridget would kill me if she heard how I was thinking about her little sister, the nasty and sinister things I want to do to her, with her.

I know I can't act on these feelings, the only thing I can do is play around, taunt her, but that's it. I don't want to string her along, girls in the past have caught feelings for me, and it hasn't ended pretty. After what happened in high school, I don't trust girls like that. Fucking and some oral sex is enough for me, and Elizabeth doesn't look like the type of girl that fools around. I don't want to hurt her, like the way Jessie hurt me.

I shake off the thoughts and complete my drills.


"Head off to the locker room and get cleaned up, you all smell like sewers!" We all hustle off the field, sweat dripping off our temple as our tongues beg for water. I try to catch up to Teddy and Jace, but they're way ahead of me.

Walking into the locker room, I'm greeted with the banging of lockers, the sound of showers, and the occasional slip and fall from Topolski. The floor is slippery in here, naked guys dripping water everywhere. Topolski hates changing in front of the guys, so he runs to the far side of the locker room to get away from the flapping dicks.

A hard bump hits the ground, "Topolski!" All the guys groan.

"Sorry!" He mumbles.

I shake my head and walk over to my locker. I've got 20 minutes to get ready, then I have a study group with my biostatics class, they hate it when I'm late. Some of them look down at me, the dumb jock guy. Some mumble because I'm not going for something easier, like sports medicine or history. I have always been smart, not because I'm Asian, but because I work hard. My parents always instilled that in me and my sister.

Behind me I hear someone clear their throat, it's Jace. A white towel clings to his waist as his black hair drips water. He takes quick showers, so quick that I don't think he cleans that well. "Yo, Chen!"

"Hey, Jace, what's up."

He sighs, "I could ask you the same thing." My brows scrunch up.

"Uh, I don't know what you're talking about, didn't you see Coach congratulating me just a few minutes ago." I point out.

"Yeah, we all saw." He rolls his eyes. The boys HATE when Coach calls me out every time I do something good, I can't help it, take that up with the Coach. They'll never do that; he makes us want to piss our pants. "But after that, you looked distant, like something was on your mind. You want to talk; we can't have you like that on the field."

"Trust me, Jace, it was nothing." Around the corner comes Teddy. His curly hair is in a bun, while he still has on his football uniform. "Teddy, tell him that I'm fine."

He looks to Jace, then me. The same look that was on my one's best friend's face is on the other. "He's right, Andreas. You looked a bit off; we need to win this game to make it to the championships."

Jace's eyes widen, he hits Teddy's thigh to get his attention. "Dude, I bet it's about Bridget's sister."

I roll my eyes, irritated by my teammates.

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