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Namjoon Pov



"R u ready now?". Jin hyung ask me looking worried and excited at the same time.

I quickly look infront of me

Here it is

The restaurant...

The place where I will eat jung- i mean eat dinner with Jungkook.

I don't know why but I feel really nervous right now. It not like I never eat dinner with Jungkook before. It just this time it not like other dinner, this time it a bit special

It a 'date'

It a fucking date!!

Although Jungkook don't think this is a date but for me it a date.

Aaaaaaa I feel nervous right now. Many things that running in my mind right now.

How do I look?

Am I smelly or not?

What should I said when I see him?

Am I a bit too early?

Did i-

"Yah Kim Namjoon!!". A loud voice more like yell make me startled from my thought.

Y-yes hyung?". I said a bit taken aback with that sudden yell.

"I said we already arrive Namjoon. Namjoon why u look  so lost today?. I know u nervous but didn't expect it getting worst like this. It looks like u really like that Jungkook huh". Jin hyung said with a teasing tone in his voice. 

" s-sorry hyung I just-y-yeah". I said while scratching my neck although I don't feel itchy at there.

Jin and jimin just laughing looking at me.

I feel so embarrassed right now.

"Aishh hyung, u really nervous r u". Jimin said while trying to help me find my things.

"Joon-ah relax Okey. Take a deep breath". Jin hyung said try to calm me down.

"Hyung relax it just a simple date. Just think of it as a usual dinner that you and Jungkook go". Jimin said giving me my things that I try to find earlier.

I just smile at them.

Yea calm down Namjoon

It just a simple dinner

"Now go. You don't want to be late on your date right?". Jin Hyung said while patting my head.

I smile at them and bid a goodbye to them.

3rd Pov

In the restaurant

Finally Namjoon here

He enter the restaurant

"Welcome to the xxx restaurant. May I help you sir?". The girl said while looking at him smiling brightly.

Namjoon smile back at that short hair girl. The girl look at Namjoon a bit flustered since Namjoon smile is too much for her to take especially the dimple. The smile plus the dimple can make any woman melt if they see it.

The girl is too lost in Namjoon smile until Namjoon cough a bit make that girl realise that she stare the fine man a bit too long. She quickly fixed her face and come to her sense back although she curses in her mind how unprofessional is she being caught staring at customer.

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