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Namjoon Pov

Suddenly I got an idea.

"J-jungkook r u hungry?".I ask him a little bit hesitate afraid he gonna be angry with me.

"What kind of question do you ask me. Of course I'm hungry dumbass". He said at me. Stupid Namjoon of course he hungry!. What kind question I'm asking!

"U-um I-I can cook f-for u if u want...but if u don't want it okay I not gonna force u!". I said a little bit nervous.

No way!. Don't u remember what happen when u cook?. Beside that u not a good cooker so no".He said straightly reject my proposal.

"Okay". I said try not to look sad infront him. Yeah why would he want to eat my cooking, I'm not good at all.
I just gonna buy food for us.
Suddenly, when I about to go buy us some food, Jungkook ask me something.

"Where are you going?". He look at me weirdly.

"Erm buy food for us?". I said confused why he ask me that question.

"Not today, because I feel like want to cooking today". He said while take out the ingredients to cook.

"W-what?! You know how to cook?!". I ask  shocked with the sudden new.

"Of course I know. I not like u. Now go to the dining room. I don't want u here. U just gonna be a burden to me". He said not even looking at me, busy preparing the ingredients.

I just follow his instruction although I feel a little bit hurt with his words. I look at him. He looks handsome in apron. His skillfully cut the vegatable in chef style. Soo cool. I wish I can be cool like him even when I'm cooking.

A few minutes later

"Wahhh it look delicious!!". I said while drooling over the dishes that Jungkook cook.

"Of course it delicious. Now let eat. I'm hungry"

We eat silently and I swear to God that it is the most delicious food ever that I eat in my life beside my mom cooking. I feel like I in the heaven when I eat this omelet rice. After finish eating, I wash the dishes and Jungkook went back to his bedroom. When I busy wash the dishes, I suddenly thinking about something.

Eh, I just realized that today Jungkook is being nice with me. Okay maybe he not too nice but at least he not hit or scolding me today. I smile to myself.

"Hehehe, I feel great today". I said and start singing while
washing the dishes.
Suddenly, when I singing passionately, I heard something like someone knocking. I listen carefully again and yes. It really sound of someone knocking. I go to the front to see who is the one that knocking the door.

I open the door and I see a pretty tall girl is standing right infront me with annoyed expression on her face.

"U-um wh-". I about to finish my words but suddenly she cut me first.

"Who the hell are u!!?". She ask me with a shocked face.

"I-i-i'm-". I said while stutter because that woman face soo scary. She  look like she want to eat me right know.

"I said who are u!!!". She ask me but this time her voice is a bit loud than earlier. I flinch a bit when I heard her  voice.

"E-em l-l-l". I about to die to answer her question but luckily Jungkook come at the right time.

"Why so noi-". Jungkook said but he don't finish his words when he see me and the woman at the door.

"Ari What are u doing here?". Jungkook ask calmly. If it me I surely gonna be a stutter mess and embarrassed myself infront of other people.

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