Freak Out

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I was laying in bed when it happened. I sat up quickly and burst into tears. The red stain sheets rubbed against my skin as I shook from the sobs. I heard a gentle pop in the dark room and Lucifer's scent filled my nose. It only made me sob harder as he circled his arms around me.

"Oh no Lily. I didn't know this would happen so quickly but I should've guessed. I'm here. Shush." I turned my face into his shoulder and held him tightly.

"I'm DEAD! My family! Amy! WHY?!?!?! OH MY GOSH WHY? I'm dead! I'll be in the ground! Am I already in the ground! Will i feel the worms eating at me? My family is going to be devestated! I'm dead! I'll never see them again! My dad... my brothers! One of them is only two! Will he even remember me?! My brothers will lock themselves in their room and dad will try that tough act! Im dead! I spent my time in school doing stupid papers and I wasted time dating that guy Dave when i didn't even like him that much! Oh and I spent money on that ridiculous dress because my mom was so set on it! I should've spent it on the new Mumford and Sons CD like i wanted to! BECAUSE I'M DEAD! And now I'm falling in love with a person i didn't even believe in 24 hours ago! IM IN HELL!!!! HELL!!!!! IN A MANSION... IN HELL! IM IN BED WITH A HOT GUY I JUST MET IN A MANSION FULL OF DEMONS IN FREAKING HELL!" I finally stopped ranting and collapsed into Luke's arms.

"Im so sorry Lily. It slipped my mind. Everyone has their moment when it all sinks in. You handled it better than others though." I burst into hiccup laughs. Luke's chest rumbles as he laughs with me. I notice he's in a suit with a red tie on.

"I'm sorry... did i interrupt something?" Luke laughed even harder.

"You just finally realized that you are dead, in bed with Lucifer who happens to be your soulmate, found out you have to help me fulfill a prophecy of a war against the big holy guy, and on top of that you are in Hell, and you are worried if you interrupted something?" I laughed with him this time.

"I guess so..." I looked down blushing. Luke lifted my chin with his fingers and made me look at him.

"Hey.." he said softly. "Don't worry. I was in a meeting with Sonneillon and Succorbenoth, the demon of hate and the demon of jealousy. I'm actually grateful I had a reason to run away. You think they would get along but NO! They are always at each other's throats. But individually they are pretty cool." I smiled and felt very tired. Luke laid me down and pulled the covers over me.

"I'm sorry I freaked out."

"Don't you ever apologize to me for something like that ever again." Luke actually looked upset and I sank back into the bed, frightened. Luke noticed and he softened his expression and rubbed my arm. "I'm sorry. I just don't want you to feel like you need to apologize for that. Everyone has their week moments. I'm surprised you are holding it together so well right now. There are times even I have broken down and hid in here for days. It just gets to be too much sometimes. And you just had the most soul-shattering thing happen to you. It's okay Lilith. I am here for you always. Except for the next five minutes. I need to go check on those two. Make sure they haven't tried to maim each other yet. " I nodded. Luke kissed my foreead before disappearing.

I buried my face into the pillows and cried more as the cold air hit me from where he used to be.

I'm dead............. I'll never see my family ever again......

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