Soakin' Like A Sponge

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I sat in bed looking out the large window. The sun streamed down and warmed my legs that were loosely draped over by the sheets. Luke had his arm wrapped around my waist and his body pressed into me from behind.

I knew he was awake. He had been for a while. We just laid there in silence, just thinking. It was comfortable and I wanted to stay here forever.

"Me too Lily." Luke happily sighed next to me. He knows I get upset when he's reading my mind but I forgive him constantly- much to my annoyance. It's impossible to stay mad at him.

"Oh that's good to know." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I twisted around in his arms to face him. I was right and there was a huge smirk stretched on his gorgeous face. His white teeth clashed with his lightly tan face and his gold eyes melted into mine.

"You're on thin ice mister. Just cause you are the ruler of hell doesn't mean you have free reign on my mind." I lightly teased. He smiled and lowered his face towards mine. I glanced at his lips before moving back to his eyes.

"True... But since I am the ruler of all of hell and all it's demons... That's got to be a turn on for you." His grin turned cocky and he tightened his arm and pulled me tight against him.

I laughed and lightly hit him. Then an idea hit me.

"You know Luke... It is really hot now that I think about it..." I paused and trailed my fingers down his gorgeous chest. He took a deep breath and I took one of my legs and wrapped it around his. "You have so much power and are so deliciously hot." I twisted so I was on top and straddling him, giving him a sexy smile.

I had never done this on earth, but judging by how his gold eyes darkened and he held his breath, I guess I was doing it very very right.

"You're so kind and forgiving. Your body is so damn sexy and I can't help but want to stay in this bed with you all day doing things that would remove my "pure" status." I whispered in his ear, occasionally nipping at it and trailing my hands up and down his chest and arms.

Lucifer moaned and I could feel his excitement pressing into me. I smiled wider, and just to push the boundary I gently pressed down onto that area. He hissed and his fingers dug into the side of my hips.

"And just think. This could all be yours if you didn't read my mind like I asked you to." I took his moment of confusion and got up and sprinted out the door. Thankfully I was wearing shorts and a tank top so I wasn't completely indecent.

I ran down the hall giggling as I heard Luke yell my name angrily, but still playful. I turned the corner and saw Zeb.

"Ah! Help me out!" Zeb looked at me and heard Luke from behind me.

"I swear Zeb if you help her I will throw you into the pit myself!!" He yelled as he got closer. Zeb laughed and grabbed onto me.

In a second we were out of the mansion and in a field. I shook my head and stepped back. I still wasn't used to the demon's mood of transportation.

"Man. Hell has a lot of fields." Zeb let out a booming laugh.

"Haha I never really noticed but yea we do. It's a lot better than the fire and brimstone." I don't think I've ever seen Zeb without a smile on his face.

It had been about three weeks since Luke took me on the tour. Surprisingly, I took it very well. I understood the reasoning behind the lower levels and Luke told me that there was another level, but it's so bad, and only for about 10 people that he didn't want to show me. Luke said that even he has never dared to go back there.

I spent most of my time hanging with the demons and Luke, especially Zeb. He's like a big brother. Some of the demons don't like me, especially females that all want Luke so they can rule hell. Zeb keeps them away.

Zeb has also been teaching me how to fight. Luke does too, but every time he pins me down, he wants to turn it into a makeout session. So we don't get much training done. I stick with Zeb for that. Plus Zeb isn't afraid of hurting me. I come out of those sessions with a ton of bruises and cuts.

Luke is never happy about that.

"We still on for training today?" I asked Zeb.

"Well that depends on wether loved boy kills me or not." At that moment, Luke appeared in the field and moved to attack Zeb. Zeb quickly disappeared right before Luke could grab him.

Luke roared and turned to me. Crap. I'll kick Zeb's butt when I see him next. I heard his laugh echo in my mind. Damn demons reading my mind.

Luke stalked towards me with a playful smile. I backed up until I hit a tree. I pressed myself into the bark hoping I could get away.

My eyes locked on to Luke's which were nearly black with lust. I have not done anything more than makeout with Luke and I was gonna keep it that way.

"Tsk tsk tsk. You think you can out run me? Silly. Zeb will have to wait for his punishment. But yours... Your punishment will come much quicker." He leaned down and roughly pushed his lips against mine. He pressed me into the tree and lifted me up so we were at equal heights. I wrapped my legs around his waist and let Luke deepen the kiss. I didn't notice we disappeared until the bark on my back was replaced with a mattress.

My hands twisted into Luke's dark hair and I fought his tongue for dominance. I didn't win. Luke moved his hands under my tshirt but stayed on my hips and stomach. Then one hand removed itself but I was too caught up to notice.

We kept kissing and I started to get really turned on. Then, I felt Luke lift up my right arm and cold metal wrap around my wrist. I gasped and pulled away.

No. He. Did. Not.

I was handcuffed to the headboard. I was going to kill him. A growl came from my chest and Luke got up and walked away from the bed laughing.

"Lucifer. Let. Me. Go." I growled out.

"Hmm... No." He laughed. I sneered at him. "They are on a timer. I won't tell you how long but they will come undone later on. Now I have ruler of hell stuff to do. Bye!!!"

I screamed in frustration as he left.


A couple hours later, I was stalking around the mansion still looking for Luke. The handcuffs came undone after about an hour and I spent the rest of the time fuming and stomping around the house.

"LUKE!" I cried out for the hundredth time.

"Yes dear?" His smug voice sounded in my head.

"Where in hell are you?"

"It's funny you say it like that since we are in hell." He laughed. I growled again.


"Calm down I'll be right there."

Luke materialized right in front of me. I stormed up to him, grabbed the back of his head and forced his lips to mine. He was in shock at first but quickly responded, wrapping his arms around my waist. I pulled away after a moment.

"Well I would've come sooner if I had know that was-" I pulled my fist back and punched him in the face, interrupting his sentence. Luke fell down, surprised by my sudden attack.

I walked away and stepped over Luke, who was loudly complaining.

Idiot. I smiled and Zeb gave me a high five as I passed him. He had been watching the whole time. When I punched Luke he laughed until there were tears in his eyes. I kept walking as I heard Zeb tease Luke.

I reached the stairs just as I saw Luke playfully tackle Zeb.

Oh I love my boys.

"We love you too!" They hollered back as I went down the stairs. I couldn't help but smile.

Hey guys! Just wanted some lovey dicey fluff until the big stuff starts! Expect a chapter next weekend! Sorry for the delay! :)


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