How I Died

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I don't really much of how I died. I mean, as Sirius Black said in Harry Potter, it was faster than falling asleep.

I remember the pain burning through my body, and it slowly fading away as my eyes closed.

I remember that my best friend and I were driving home from school when I saw blinding headlights come towards my window. Then I heard glass shatter and my best friend Amy scream. My head hit the window, and it was kinda blurry from there.

I felt myself be violently thrown all around as the car flipped over and over. Then, I don't know. Next thing I knew the paramedics were pulling me out, and I heard Amy in the backround screaming for me to wake up. She threatened, begged me, and cried. But I couldn't keep my eyes open. The pain slowly dissappeared and I shut my eyes for a quick nap while I was taken to the hospital. I was so tired.

Little did I know, that my eyes would never open again. Well at least on Earth.

When my eyes opened, I was in a beautiful field. I wasn't used to meadows and grassy areas since I lived near the ocean and it was all sand and pavement. The sun was warm and I looked down to see that my areopostale hoodie and skinny jeans were gone, and replaced with a white summer dress. My feet were bare and the grass and flowers tickled my feet and ankles.

The meadow was amazing. It was warm, and the sun was bright. There were butterflies and birds. The flowers were every color imaginable and I saw my favorite flowers, Lilies, in a patch not to far from me.

I walked over to them and smelled their delicious scent. I felt so light and happy. Where was I?

"You are in Hell." I turned around to see an attractive guy behind me. He had stubble along his chin and upper lip. His dark hair was shaggy and looked amazing and his golden eyes stared into mine. A light smile graced his lips and he had an accent that I couldn't identify. He was gorgeous. He was a little older than me, probably about 20 or 23.

"Hell? Sure... Hell can't look this beautiful. Hell doesn't even exist." I said back to him. There was no way that I was falling for this sick joke. Any minute Amy is gonna come out with a hidden camera crew and I'll be on Punk'd.

"Well, obviously it does. And no, you will not be on Punk'd or any ridiculous TV show like that." Wait, did I say that out loud?

"Well, Mr.This-Is-Hell, where is the lake of fire, or the chains, or the endless torture and suffering?" I put a hand on my hip refusing to let myself fall for his mind tricks.

"Please, that is not all that Hell is about. This is the Judgement field. Where I decide where you go from here. You see, there are many different realms of Hell. And not all of it is 'Lakes of Fire' and endless torture." He laughed quietly and a smile touched his lips. He was so gorgeous. It was to the point where it was almost intoxicating. "So now, if you are done checking me out, we can decide your fate here in Hell." He smirked at me and I felt my face blush.

A light blue folder appeared in his hand. He lazily flicked it open and skimmed over the contents.

"Well this is definitely interesting. You have never commited any of the deadly sins, and you have only ever lied to protect someone you love. When you were five, you told your mum that you didn't eat a cookie, and at 14, you pretended to be sick so you could avoid your boyfriend after he told you he loved you." How did he know all this?!?!? "Interesting, this is all stuff that the big guy would normally forgive. Why didn't he let you into heaven?"

He skimmed over the folder, reading more intently. His eyebrows knit together and I waited inpatiently. What was he doing? What was going on?

"OH! Now I see why. You don't believe in God." He didn't ask it as a question. I nodded. I couldn't. Not after my amazing mum had died from cancer. There was no way a "God" would take someone as nice and caring as her. "Well, this is rare. We barely get Pures sent down here." Pure?

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