Meeting the Gang

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I stretched as I began to wake up. My hand hit a hard scruffy thing and I quickly snapped it back to my body. I heard a muffled groan.

"I knew I needed a new alarm clock but i didn't have getting smacked in the face in my mind." I laughed at Luke's bed head and grumpy face. He growled lightly and snaked his arms around my middle, pulling me to him tightly.

"Morning." He opened his golden eyes and looked at me. I blushed.

"How does the sunlight get in here?" I asked. Luke snorted and shook his head.

"How your mind works amazes me." He looked over to the large windows where the sunlight was streaming through the thin red curtains. His smile faded and his face seemed to age as I stared at him. "Its not the real sunlight. I get no warmth from it. It's something I created after Zeb and I escaped from the Lake of Fire. I missed the light of heaven. Before I created the levels, the only light was the fire. It was dark and depressing. So like the big guy... I said "let there be light"."  He smiled humorlessly at his pun. "This place was so depressing. I didn't want it to feel like my prision anymore than I have to. You would be amazed at the little things I miss. I just tried to get Him to see His own wrongs..." Luke blinked a bit before turning back to me with a giant smile on his face. "So what do you want to do?"

I almost got whiplash from how fast his moods changed. I began to realize that he was filled with so much pain. He was cast from his home because he wanted to stand up for what he thought was right. He was like a young boy who just wanted his father to not banish him and understand why he did something. It broke my heart-

"Please. Don't." Luke's pain filled expression was back on his face as he had read my mind. "I will have that convo with you some other day lilith." 

I didn't say anything in reply. I just leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. What could I say to a man who's suffered for eons? So I poured everything into that kiss.

He wrapped his arms around me tighter and kissed me back fiercely. My hands ran through his dark hair and pulled lightly. Luke rolled us over so he was on top of me. I could feel his presence in my mind, something that he told me last night that shows our connection. We could feel each other in our minds and share thoughts and emotions. To test it, I poured my heart into the connection. The confusion, pain, fear, love, lost, lust, agony, pity, everything that I've gone through in the past 24 hours. How I was so confused about the sudden and powerful attraction I have towards him. The pain of losing my life. The fear of the prophecy and losing Luke. My own disbelief that all of this has happened in such a short time. 

I poured everything to him. He paused and pulled away from me, looking deep into my eyes. I held nothing back from my face and mind. He beamed like he was a poor man who had won the lottery and could finally feed himself. He looked at me with such love and admiration. I kept his glaze until Luke couldn't hold back any longer and crushed my lips to his and shoved his tongue in my mouth. 

He amazed me. This whole situation was crazy. I still couldn't believe it. My whole faith flipped and turned itself around. What I first thought was true was shattered and my heart believed in something for the first time. It felt great.


After we broke apart, Luke lead me down to the kitchen. There was a slightly older looking guy probably around 20 or so bent over a cookbook at the kitchen table. 

"Lily, this is Dagon, he is the Demon Baker, aka his food is 'to die for'". Dagon laughed and stuck his hand toward me. I shook it. He had laugh lines and flour on his forehead. He was attractive and had brown hair with a few gold strands. He seemed like someone who enjoyed himself. 

"Have a muffin. They are on the island behind you. Feel free to make any recommendations with me. I love new stuff! And everyone knows it goes quick!" Dagon's laugh was contagious.

"Demon Baker? I didn't even realize!" I said.

"Yep! You gotta eat! Even in Hell!" I laughed with them and Dagon excused himself to go get some more stuff. Luke surprised me and lifted me up on the island countertop. I smiled down at him and grabbed one of the muffins on the tray next to me. Luke stepped inbetween my legs and stole a muffin for himself. I took a bite. It couldn't be that bad.

I will never doubt a demon baker ever again.

It was AMAZING. The perfect amount of rough top and moist and fluffy on the bottom half. There was some sort of berry there and it was still warm. 

"Haha, are you enjoying it?" Luke smiled at me.

"THIS IS THE BEST MUFFIN EVER!" I cried. Oh man... you have no idea.

"You probably won't believe me, but this is just okay. You should taste some of his other stuff." 

"Nope. I don't believe it." I stuck my tongue out at him. Luke shook his head and pulled me down. 

"Lily, I want to give you a tour of everything." Luke said, getting serious.

"I've already seen the whole house. Zeb showed me." I said, getting confused.

"No. I mean, of Hell. The whole place." I hopped down, eager. "Wait. Lily, I need to let you know now, it will be hard. You tell me when you need to go back here. People have done some really bad stuff in their lives that I have no choice but to give them the proper punishment. This is some gruesome stuff. So please, when you can't handle it anymore, tell me. Don't try to be strong. I can make even me want to flee." 

I hesitantly nodded and grabbed his hand.

"Lead the way. I go where you go."

(A/N) The next chapter is purely my imagination! I did not look up some version and copy and paste. This is kind of what I believe Hell would be like, but I don't completely believe. If this is similar to some other version, then its a coincidence. I mean not to copy or alter any particular belief or version. I am just writing that chapter from my imagination. Now this story can deal with some touchy material that everyone may not agree with. I realized that when I took this project up. I'm  ready for any criticism or conversation that may happen, but please no insults to any belief that any person holds. That is not cool. This is not a satanist book nor do I have any motivation to convince people to convert to this thinking. This is a work of fiction that I thought of one day in class. Nothing more. If there is an issue with what I write, I would please ask that you inbox me. I completely expect to get back some negative feedback, especially with later chapters, but please respect that I am just writing out a fiction story. I am not trying to inject my own beliefs. So please, be respectful. You may disagree with me and I'm fine with that, but I ask that if any other Wattpad writer comments something, please be respectful to them. This story can be seen as sort of controversial so I ask that we respect each others opinions and not attack one another. I will not be happy! I've already recieved some heat from this story, so I expect this! Just I hope you enjoy this story and vote and comment. Thank you. -Paige

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