The Prophecy

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"Well, you see, there is this prophecy, and it is quite silly, but in Hell, all Propecies are treated respectfully. This is one that everyone thought would never come true." He stared off into space, seeming to think about this prophecy.

I swallowed and cleared my throat. "What is the prophecy?" He snapped his eyes to me and straightened in his chair.

"A long time ago, not long after the rebellion, Uvall, the demon Prophet, wrote down a prophecy that included a Pure soul being sent down to Hell, and aiding me in a second war. The main part was, that you would fight with me, as one." He looked at me and searched my face for some change or something.

"What do you mean as 'one'. Will I be cut in half or something?" Luke laughed and struggled not to choke on his food.

"Umm.. No. I mean, two souls combined as one." I stared blankly at him. "Two peas in a pod?" I looked at him, still confused. He looked shocked at me. "Peanut butter to my jelly?" Still nothing. "A couple?"

"OHHHH! Wait... WHAT?" He looked at me sheepishly.

"Yes, you are supposed tobe my soulmate and be by my side in the upcoming war." I leaned back into my chair shocked. This was insane. Wait...

"Is the only reason I'm here is for some stupid prophecy? Are you just being nice and letting me stay here for some war that I have to be in?" I was suddenly filled with anger. I was just being used this entire time? I pushed my chair away from my table roughly and stood up. "I can't believe you. You are just using me. Even if I am your soulmate, aren't soulmates supposed to love each other, and not because some stupid prophecy told them to?" I turned to leave and headed for the door.

"Wait, Lily! Stop!" I heard his chair move back and I quicked my step to the door.

I had just started to pushed the door open when a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me around, pressing my back up against the hard wood. I looked into his golden eyes as he placed his hands on either side of my face, trapping me.

"Lilith." He whispered, his intoxicating breath dancing across my face. I fought hard to not let my knees buckle. My eyes drifted shut as I felt the heat from his body warm mine. His face was only a few inches away. "You aren't here because the damn prophecy said so. I could have sent you down to one of the other levels. But when I saw you, even before I knew who you were, or even knew your name, I was stunned by your beauty and your grace. You seem so innocent and unaware of how amazing you are. I was so amazed by the purity of your soul, that I couldn't let you go. And I had no idea of who you really were until I was already completely intoxicated by your presence." He started to slowly lean in as he said this. His sweet breath fogging up my mind and clouding my judgement. At that moment, all I could care about was him, and closing the distance between us.

At that moment, a knock on the door sent vibrations through my body. I stepped away from the door in suprise, and I ran into Lucifer's hard chest. His arms wrapped around me, stopping me from falling. Shocks coursed through my body and I felt myself sink into Luke's arms.

"Oh sorry, did I interrupt something?" Sam said with a smirk on his face.



Luke and I looked at each other. His eyes were irritated and pleading. I just looked over at Sam.

"Ummm. Ok then. Well I was just sent to tell Lily that her room is officially ready."

"But, I thought that I already had my room." I looked at Sam confused. Sam hesitated and looked over at Luke.

"You have been moved to my room. All your stuff is put away and ready." Luke looked down at me, and I was unable to look away.

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