4: Telling the gang

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Less than 24 hours after we found out, confirming our situation was the main priority, and as we knew already, I was in fact pregnant.

"So, Miss Cooper. I can confirm that you are indeed pregnant. Just over a month. This means that your baby is the size of a sweet pea." Jughead and I laughed.

Our next goal, was to tell someone. Telling our parents wasn't an option, well, not yet.

"Good morning Betty." He kissed me.

"Good morning my little snakelet. Today is going to be a good day, since we're going to tell someone that you exist." He kissed my stomach.

"You know that our baby can't hear you right? It's only the size of a sweet pea." I smiled.

"I know, but I want our little son or daughter, our little snakelet, to know that today is the day we tell someone about our slowly growing family." He kissed my stomach again, placing his hand on my ever so subtle baby bump.

"So. Who are we telling? My mom is not knowing, for now." I asked, sitting up.

"My dad can't know. Not yet." Jughead hugged me.

"What about Archie and Veronica? They can keep a secret, can't they?" I asked, perking his interest.

"If we tell them, I'm telling two people from the serpents." He looked at me.

"Jug..." I could barely speak without not knowing what to say.

"Betty, think about it. If I tell Sweet Pea and Fangs, they are serpents like me. If they know, they can protect us. They're both willing to die for me. I'm 100 percent sure they'd be willing to die for the child that will start next generation of serpents." He looked down at my stomach.

"Fine. But they have to keep it a secret. The last thing we want is them blabbing it to your dad, who will then tell my mom." I agreed.

"I'll text the guys." He grabbed his phone.

"I'll text the lovebirds." I smiled, grabbing my phone.

"Meet at Pop's?" Jug looked at me.

"Always. Besides, our little snakelet, is hungry." I smiled.

"You're already craving food? What is my little snakelet wanting to eat?" Jug was excited.

"He, or she, is exactly like their father. I'm hungry for a burger with fries and a strawberry milkshake." I rolled my eyes, smiling.

"I love this kid already!" Jughead kissed me, beginning to text his friends.

*Sweet Pea and Fangs*

Jughead: Can we meet at Pop's? Corner booths. I have some news.

Sweet Pea: See you in 30.

Fangs: See you there.

*Veronica and Archie*

Betty: Can we meet at Pop's? Corner booths. I have some news.

Veronica: Of course, B. Anything for you.

Archie: On my way.

After the texts were sent, Jughead and I got changed, getting to Pop's 10 minutes before everyone else.

"What can I get for my favourite customers?" Pop smiled as Jughead and I walked up to the counter.

"I'm not hungry, but I'm paying for her meal." Jughead smiled.

"And what can I get for you, Betty?" Pop smiled at me.

"Jughead's regular order." I held his hand.

"So, you want a burger with fries and a strawberry milkshake?" He double checked.

"Served at the corner booth if possible?" I asked.

"Of course. Coming right up." Pop smiled before he disappeared into the kitchen.

Sitting in the corner booth, we watched as Veronica and Archie entered the shop, smiling when they saw us. We then watched as Sweet Pea and Fangs entered.

After a few minutes, Pop walked around with my order.

"Wow, B. That's a lot of food. Are you sure you can eat that?" Veronica asked, worried.

"I didn't eat breakfast." I laughed.

"Wait, that's Jughead's regular order." Fangs pointed out.

"Onto the reason why we asked you four to meet us here." I smiled.

I put the positive test onto the table, sliding towards Veronica and Archie, both of them shocked.

"No! Really?!" Veronica freaked out.

"Really!" I smiled. She got up and hugged me.

"Before you even ask, Jughead. Yes. We will help to protect you, Betty and the snakelet." Fangs hugged his friend.

"Ha. You got that before Betty." Jug hugged Fangs back.

"So. What's the complicated web behind this situation?" Sweet Pea got comfortable.

"My mom and his dad are under no circumstances, allowed to know about the baby until Jughead and I are ready to tell them. We are trusting you four to keep the baby a secret from everyone, until the time is right." I looked at each of them.

"You can count on us Betty, Jughead." Veronica spoke on behalf of her and Archie.

"If not saying a word about the baby is protecting you three, than Sweet Pea and I are in. Your secret is safe with us." Fangs hugged me.

"Thank you guys. This means so much to us." I spoke before going back to enjoying the meal that Jughead would usually be eating.

"Pregnancy cravings?" Veronica asked.

"Yep. I'd usually reject Jughead's offer to share his food, but since the baby growing inside me is half Jughead, of course, he or she would make me crave, eat and enjoy the food that I usually find repulsive." I groaned before taking another bite of the burger that I was enjoying way too much.

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