20: Returning to Riverdale

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"AJ, sweetie, we're here." I spoke to the slightly awake boy as he stirred in his booster seat, Jughead still passed out in the passenger seat of the car.

We had been driving for 4 hours. Jughead started the trip, and when his 2 hours were done, we stopped at a gas station, grabbed something to eat, before I got into the drivers seat and drove. AJ, on the other hand, stayed asleep the whole time, only waking up if he was hungry.

By the time we reached the edge of Riverdale, it was early in the morning, around 6 am - 7 am. I was scared to enter the town that once put every single one of my friends in danger.

Having pulled up outside of Pop's Choc'Lit Shoppe, I entered the diner, AJ holding my hand as we walked up to the counter, AJ propping himself up so he could see who I was talking to.

"Welcome to Pop's Choc'Lit Shoppe." A brown skinned woman smiled as she had a pen and paper ready.

"Hey, where's Pop?" I asked, confused.

"Oh. He retired a year ago, but don't worry. I'm his granddaughter, Tabitha. Tabitha Tate." She smiled.

"It's nice to meet you, Tabitha. Anyway, can I please have Jughead's regular order plus a serve of fries please?" I smiled, Tabitha smiling back.

"Ah. Pop told me about Jughead's order. Coming right up." She smiled, Jughead walking through the door.

"You could've woken me up." He complained.

"Well, you were sleeping." I laughed, watching as AJ waited for his food.
Arriving at the Pembroke, I smiled as Jughead, AJ and I headed up towards the top suite. AJ was excited to see Auntie V and Uncle Archie.

Knocking on the door of Veronica's suite, Archie opened the door, seeing Jughead, AJ and I.

"Hey, Arch." I smiled hugging him.

"Hey, pal." Jughead smiled.

"Uncle Archie!" AJ smiled, hugging Archie as we entered the suite.

"Hey, V." I walked over to my grieving friend, no emotions showing.

"He's gone, B. I should be crying, but I'm not. Why am I not crying? Am I so evil that I can't even grieve for my dead father?" She asked, confused.

"You're not evil, V. He was the evil one. He constantly made our lives a living hell, and now he's gone. You're the least evil of your family. Does your mother know?" I asked, sitting beside her.

"Yeah. The cops called her last night before I called her. You know what she said? Ronnie, Be glad that the bastard that was your father is dead. We're all free. She was happy to hear the he was dead." Veronica stopped talking, AJ walking up to us.

"Auntie V? Are you ok?" AJ asked, sitting on my lap.

"My father is gone. I'm ok, now." She hugged AJ, Jughead still talking to Archie.
Today was the day. The town was saying goodbye to the disease known as Hiram Lodge. After years of torment, and being stuck as the damsel in distress, the town of Riverdale had finally slain the dragon, even if it was sudden.

Veronica had gotten into her dress, Betty taking care of her while Jughead and Archie got the funeral ready.

"Honey, can you please get AJ his cookies please?" Betty asked, watching as Jughead smiled and walked over to AJ's backpack.

"How does it feel to be married to Jughead?" Veronica smiled.

"It's normal, as if it was meant to be." Betty smiled, happy that this discussion was distracting her.

The ceremony went as normal, Hermione being let out of prison for the day, although it was short lived, as she had started throwing profanity at Hiram's casket.

After a while, the casket was buried, and life returned to normal. Being back home was strange for Betty, as she remembered the memories that she had created in the house.

"Jug, what do you think about moving back to Riverdale? AJ is starting school soon, and I want him to start here. You went to Riverdale Elementary, I went to Riverdale Elementary. I don't want AJ missing out." Betty asked as she sat on the couch with Jughead.

"That sounds like a good idea, besides, I got an offer from Waldo. He wants me to teach English at Riverdale High." He smiled.

"So, it's settled? We get started on arranging the details of our move." Betty smiled.

"I think AJ will be happy to be here, since he has the serpents as support." Betty watched as AJ constructed a puzzle.

Getting a text, Betty was shocked when it was Cheryl.


Cheryl: Hello cousin. I hear you are back in Riverdale. I'd like to see you and AJ again?

Me: Sure. Meet at Pop's? I also have news I want to share with our friends.

Cheryl: I'll rally our friends. See you at Pop's.

"Hey, Juggie? Can you arrange to meet Archie and your friends at Archie's place? I want to tell them and I know you do too." Betty asked.

"Sure." He kissed Betty.

Making my way to Pop's my heart raced. With all the events happening, I was scared. How would my friends react to my news?

AJ was the only person who knew of the news that Jughead and I had to expose.

Making a promise to keep the news a secret, he walked up to the front door of Pop's his hand being held by mine.

We sat at a booth, AJ eating some fries as my fingers tapped on the table.

"B? Why are we here?" Veronica asked as she was followed by Cheryl, Toni, my mom, Gladys, JB, Kevin and Polly. They all sat with me and AJ in the booth.

"Well, I have some news, that AJ is quite keen to expose." I smiled, AJ putting his food down.

"Do tell, dear cousin." Cheryl sat down, everyone gathering around us.

"Why is Jughead not here?" Toni asked.

"Well, he wanted to meet up with the others." I admitted.

"But, the first bit of the news is...Jughead, AJ and I are moving back to Riverdale. Jughead will take the English teaching job at Riverdale High, AJ will go to Elementary school here and I will be assisting the police department as an FBI consultant." I announced, the best news yet to come.

"OMG! That's great, B!" Veronica hugged me.

"Wait, there's more." I smiled, preparing for a wide range of reactions.

"Yes?" Polly asked, wanting more.

"AJ? Wanna tell them?" I smiled, letting AJ have all the attention from our friends.

"I'm going to be a big brother!" AJ revealed.

Everyone who took sips of their drinks, spat out the liquids.

"Oh my god!" Veronica, my mom, Gladys, JB, Polly, Kevin, Toni and Cheryl all spoke in unison, each one of them shocked.

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