5: Blossom blood

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As always, I was up early in the morning, possibly around 5:30 am - 6:00 am. Mom was still suspicious, but hadn't asked any questions.

As the month went on, my vomiting became less and less of a problem. I'd still vomit in the mornings, but when I vomited next, I usually did it during breaks, or after school when my mom worked at the Riverdale Register as the chief editor.

On the subject of working, Jughead got a job at Pop's Choc'lit Shoppe. As for me, I worked under my mom at the Register, getting paid like a regular employee.

School was a little different. Sweet Pea, Veronica, Archie and Fangs constantly looked out for me. Cheryl, being her nosey self, constantly asked questions.

"I'll see you later. Don't forget to eat the food that I brought. I'll take you to Pop's after school." Jughead kissed me as he left the student lounge.

"Hello, cousin." Cheryl walked in, her rose thigh-high boots clicking satisfyingly on the floor.

"Cheryl. How may I help you?" I looked up at her.

"Why would you think that I'm here to see you?" Cheryl crossed her arms.

"Toni isn't in school today." I deducted.

"Well. I just wanted to know if you'd join me and my family for dinner tonight at Thornhill? We've wanted to be close to Polly, but she isn't in Riverdale as far as we know, and we chose to be close to you." She smiled.

"Oh, Cheryl...I don't know." I was worried. Knowing the Blossoms and their antics, something seemed off.

"Before you say no, Betty, we can go for mani-pedis and we can go outfit shopping this afternoon. I'll pay for everything." Cheryl sat next to me, excited.

"Fine." I gave in, knowing that Cheryl wouldn't give up if I had refused.

"Perfect. Meet me at Pop's at 4:30." She got up, smiling as she left.
At 3 pm, I wasn't feeling well, mainly feeling sick. As jughead had said, he took me to Pop's on his motorbike. We got there at 3:15, my nausea not going away.

"I'll be back." I spoke, but as I expected, Jughead followed me into the unisex bathroom, holding my hair as I vomited.

"Our little snakelet causing you trouble?" He asked as I washed my hands.

"I don't think it's just my pregnancy. Cheryl invited me to spend dinner at Thornhill with her family. I couldn't say no." I spoke.

We walked out of the bathroom as he placed the remaining items of his uniform on his clothing.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, what happens if our little snakelet causes you to vomit?" He brought up a good point.

"Worst case scenario, Cheryl, Penelope and Rose think that I'm sick. I can handle it." I spoke, reassuring him.

"Ok, but if anything happens, call me." He smiled, kissing his hand before placing his hand on my stomach, basically kissing our unborn baby. He then placed a delicate kiss on my lips.

"Can you get me a strawberry milkshake please? I've had a craving for one all day." I smiled.

"Of course. I'm loving our baby more and more." He gave the order to Pop, who got to work making the milkshake for me.

"Afternoon Jughead. May I please take my dear cousin from you?" Cheryl walked up to the counter.

"Sure. Just bring her back home in one piece." Jughead smiled slightly.

"Oh, and here is your strawberry milkshake. Don't worry, I'll pay for it." Jug smiled as he handed me the milkshake, allowing Cheryl and I to leave. As we got closer to the exit, Cheryl linked her left arm with my right arm, causing more uncertainty to enter my thoughts. Brushing it off, I secretly hoped that tonight would be ok.

As the afternoon went on, the treatment being caused by Cheryl was very odd. She was always talking to me, and the weird thing, she allowed me to wear a red dress.

"Cheryl, I can't possibly wear this. First of all, it's red." I objected.

"On this occasion, I will allow you to wear a red dress." Cheryl sat besides me as I looked at the dress she had picked out for me.

"Second of all, it's $1,500." I objected more.

"I'm paying, my dear cousin. Oh, and you can keep the dress, as long as you don't wear it to any events that I'm attending." She reassured me as I tried it on. My baby bump wasn't at all noticeable. If you didn't know I was pregnant, you wouldn't notice anything. My stomach was as flat as it always had been.

I was thankful that I was only a month pregnant. I was worried though, as I knew that when I reached the 4 month mark, I'd be showing way more, and it wouldn't be a 'you look fat' situation.

Getting back to Thornhill, I was greeted by Nana Rose.

"My dear, Polly. It's truly been a while since I last saw you. Did the ring fit?" She asked, smiling at me.

"The ring?" I was confused.

"Yes. The engagement ring. Jason was supposed to meet you along Sweetwater River. He never made it though. I hope you and the babies are doing well." She held my hand.

If only she knew that I was Betty and she was right, except...not about the number of babies.

"Nana Rose. This is Betty. You remember don't you? Polly's younger sister." Cheryl entered the room, grabbing my hand.

"Oh, of course. It's nice to see you again dear." She smiled one final time before Cheryl took me upstairs to her room.

"What did my Nana say to you Betty? You look like you've seen a ghost." Cheryl sat me down on her bed as she got the dresses ready.

"Polly and Jason were engaged. They were supposed to meet along Sweetwater River, but he never made it and Polly...I don't know where she is." I let a tear slip. God damn it hormones. If it weren't for my pregnancy, I wouldn't be crying.

"Oh, Betty. Don't fret. I'm sure Nana Rose was confused. I don't think that Jason would've married someone he's related to." Cheryl handed me the dress.

"What if he didn't know that they were related?" I was concerned.

"Well, if he didn't, then- How about we get changed. My mother and Nana Rose shouldn't be kept waiting." She smiled, changing the subject like she changes her moods.

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