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The food arrives for dinner. Gloria and I see the table up. Sweetie I will go get the love birds up.

Yilena leaves to get the two gals.  Frankie and Laura come by.
Hey auntie how you doing? I am doing fine. Gloria and I will be staying here until Yilena can return to work. Yeah, I was updated on her medical leave.  We figured we check on them. I  am glad you two are staying here instead of MA. Yeah,  I heard about that. By the way. Ouch auntie that is for not informing me Francisco Rizzoli Jr. I thought they did.  Well they didn't.  You three stop laughing.  Or else.
Yes auntie. Kiki. Yes  sweetie.  Frankie and Laura go sit down there is enough food for us all plus some. Gloria orders way too much all the time. Aye for left overs babe.
Atwater and Antonio knock on the door.
Come and join us you two.  So much for left overs. We just wanted to check in on them.  Carlo and Juanita and the others wanted to be updated.  Knock knock.  Hey aunties mom, dad,cousin and Kevin. Come and join us. Okay. No more left overs. Geez.  Gloria OReilly shut it or no dessert for you.
Everyone else laughed except for Gloria and Kiki.  Gloria didn't complain anymore.
I wanted to chuckle but didn't.  Auntie has Gloria on lock down on dessert if she doesn't stop.
I knew better  because I didn't want to get slapped in the back of me head.  I love my auntie Kiki but when you get to see that side of her. It not only hurts physically but emotionally too.
We all eat and enjoy the food that my wife thought she was going to have left over.
The guys did the clean up and Yilena took her evening medication and went to bed.
Auntie Jane she didn't have a beer or wine with dinner. She cannot or Esmi will have her off of work longer and have her admitted.  You know how your aunt hates staying home when she should be working if not on vacation or an actual planned day off. Yes we all know. I heard that.  Go to bed Yilena.  I forgot to bring some water with me.You know yell, text or call. Babe this is going to be one long week.  She is better than Angela but still bossy.
We all laugh when
Yilena looks like a little kid getting disciplined by auntie Kiki.
Now get.  I am. I am.
Yilena stomps off to upstairs. 
Sis she is a horrible patient. You don't have to tell me. We are going to all get going. Gloria and Kiki thanks for dinner. No problem.  My wife looks at me to make sure I don't give a response.
Jane just laughed.
Auntie I secured the place.  You have the code to turn it off. I am tired and have an early day.
I kiss Kiki and Gloria good night and go to bed.
Sweetie can we go upstairs now? I will be up there shortly.  I want to finish this documentary I was watching.  Kiki we could watch it upstairs.  Yeah right.  Okay I miss you already.. I will be there in a few.  It's almost over.
I went upstairs and fell asleep.
I turned the TV off an hour later and went upstairs to check on Yilena and than to the guest room. Gloria was out cold. I got into bed and spooned my wife and nodded off.
Around one in the morning I feel Gloria moving over me. I woke up to her kissing me.and she was half undressed and well just say I helped her fully get undress as well as myself.  We went at it like the energizer bunny until four in the.mornjng.
Babe you were oh my. You weren't bad yourself. .
We talked for awhile than heard Jane get up to get ready for work. Kiki got up to take a shower to make breakfast for Jane Jane Yilena and made sure Yilena took her morning medication.
I knew when I left for work that my wife was in good hands.  I arrived at work and Hailey says welcome back.
Thanks it is good to be back.  What do we have on the board. We are trying to close a cold case. The family is bugging the mayor for this to be solved. Jay is getting pressured big time. Thus. we are working on it.
Aye welcome back Rizzoli get to it.  This case needs to be solved soon. The  mayor is on me to close this like yesterday.  We know sheriff Halstead.  We are doing our best. Do better than your best.
Jay leaves and Hailey follows him.
Jay returned shortly to apologize to us all and goes back to his office.
So you got on him? Yes,  korsak he was wrong to take his frustrations with the mayor out on us. Good thing we have you. It's an advantage and disadvantage at times being the sheriff's wife.  I bet.
Maur comes up with the report on the body.
The coroner before I joined the sheriff's office did an horrible job.  I have more than enough evidence with my mother helping me and the lab technicians. Esmi said this is your guy.
Maur pulls up the information on the desk top computer.  We all see.
I already told Jay the identity.  He should be coming out soon inquiry why you haven't left. 
Sure enough here comes Jay.
You still here.  We just found out. We are looking up where he resides and will get a court order to search his place and hopes he still resides there.  I want this solved soon.
We understand sir.
Jay leaves. What he scares me at times. Oh Nina.  I have to deal with him more when you are out there.  Sorry Nina. thanks Hailey.
J my mother updated me on Yilena.  I will check in in her when I get off. I will draw blood to see what her new levels are. I know she hates being home.  Yeah aunties are with her, but we both know how she can get. Yes,  we do .
Okay I sent to your cells his new address.  He is on the move to the docks on the north side. Thanks Nina.
Bye have fun. Maur capturing a murderer is never fun but you do feel accomplished.

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