In the Middle of Nowhere

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Hope's PoV

"Hey, love. Wake up." I said as I kissed my girlfriend's forehead and put the other strands of her hair that blocking her pretty face, she's still sleeping in my bed, naked.

"Morning, Hopey." She grab me by my collar and peck my lips as her eyes remained closed. I chuckled at her cuteness so I pinch her cheeks hard, causing it to turn red.

"Ouch." She winces as she rubbed her cheeks finally opening her eyes and glared at me.


"Sorry, you're just so cute and I can't handle it." I grinned and lean in so I can kiss her cheeks.

"So, why are you waking me up early, knowing you clearly drained me yesterday." She pouted.

Oh, right.

"I'm sorry about that." I peck her lips as I gave her an apologetic smile.

"It's okay, you know that anytime and anywhere, whatever we're doing, when I'm with you, I always enjoying it." She smiled lovingly and lean in to kiss the tip of my nose.

"I love you." I said and lean my forehead into hers.

"I love you too, baby." She answers and look into my eyes. "Don't be guilty, okay?" I gave Josie a nod and hugged her tightly as if my life depends on it.

"So, why are you waking me up early, anyways?"

"Your dad said, that there is another monster roaming around Mystic Falls. Then he also said that we should find and kill it."

"Oh, okay. I'll just take a shower." Josie said as she stand up to go to take a shower but she fall back onto the bed.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, but my legs are aching so bad. You really wrecked me."

"I'll just carry you to my bathroom, love." I suggest that I take her into my arms and carry her in bridal style.

"Thank you, baby." She said as I put her in a shower, she pecked my lips and begins to shower.

I just wait for her to finish and helped her to wear her clothes because she can't move properly and I felt bad for it.

Every time we made love it was always so gentle and passionate but when I claimed her as my mate on my exact birthday last week, while we were in the middle of making love.

My possesiveness to my girlfriend became stronger than before.

I can't control my wolf side when I get jealous, it becomes aggressive, and it also pushing me to take Josie and fuck her sensessly, to express how I got angry when someone was trying to get her attention from me.

I sighed heavily when I saw Josie's neck, looking at to all the love bites I made to her. And I also saw the bruises in her body that I think because of me, gripping into her tightly, so I can slammed myself into her properly.

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