Into You

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Josie's PoV

I sat at the table, trying to focus on my cellphone, but my eyes kept drifting back to the window.

Outside, Hope stood on the porch of our small cabin with Gigi, the girl we had rescued from a werewolf.

It was a full moon, explaining the increased presence of werewolves in the woods.

I couldn't help but notice how Gigi edged closer to Hope as they talked, nor could I ignore Hope's attentive demeanor towards her.

Gigi was taller, sexier, and undeniably beautiful—a dark blonde with captivating eyes, resembling a supermodel from Victoria's Secret.

I knew it was immature to feel jealous. I knew.

Hope had reassured me countless times that she was mine, regardless of anyone else's charms. It was pointless to be jealous over something so trivial.

But why hasn't Gigi left yet?

Her safety was ensured, and her car was mere feet from the porch.

It was time for her to go home.

Crossing my arms, I pouted as I watched them through the window, hoping my girlfriend would catch on—but she seemed oblivious.

I was annoyed because Hope was undeniably attractive, and other girls couldn't help but be drawn to her. Just like Gigi now, smiling and gazing at Hope.

And of course, being her usual kind self, Hope smiled back, all dimples and grace.

Deciding to distract myself, I turned back to my cellphone.

I checked my social media accounts; yesterday's Instagram post had more likes than usual, and Twitter was ablaze with news, especially about the conflict between two countries.

I hoped they would find peace soon.

Switching to TikTok, I scrolled through videos of people dancing, idol edits, and instructional clips. Eventually, I ended up on YouTube, watching what seemed like staged pranks and random mukbangs.

Now, I was hungry.

Turning my cellphone off, I glanced back at them. Hope laughed at Gigi's jokes. I glared as I saw Gigi place her hand on Hope's arm, tilting her head back with a flirtatious giggle. I felt a surge of jealousy, almost wanting to set fire to her hand. But then, I knew Hope would scold me for it.

Damn it!

If I didn't tear myself away from this front-row view of porch activities, I might storm outside, grab Hope's hand, and loudly proclaim, "mine!"

But I stayed put, trying to ignore the turmoil inside me, hoping that soon Gigi would take the hint and leave.

I sighed heavily and let myself fell on the bed, removing my clothes and leaving in just a thong.

I love sleeping naked. It's healthy though.

Fumbling for the light, and tried to get comfortable. I closed my eyes, trying to slow down my brain and let sleep overcome me.

It was so damn hard to do with the sudden giggle fits coming from the porch and repetitive "Oh Hope" whispers, that weren't really whispers, drifting through the thin-paned window.

I grimaced and felt all the air rush out of my lungs in one quick breath like someone had sucker punched me.

Why the hell did this bother me?

I knew what Hope was like. It wasn't like Gigi really mattered to her in the long run. She was just another girl that needed to be save.

And for fuck's sake, I'm Hope's girlfriend.

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