Stuck with Me

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Hope's PoV

The stark white hallway was eerily silent as I made my way towards the elevator in the hospital. The usual hush of the hospital surrounded me, every monitor beep and heartbeat ringing in my ears with crystal clarity.

I knew taking the stairs would be quicker than the rickety elevators, but I needed to maintain the facade of a tired doctor at the end of a shift. Having just completed my rounds on the fourth floor, I was descending to my office on the first floor to gather my belongings.

It was a routine, a ritual.

Humans thrived on routines, and I couldn't risk my colleagues discovering just how different I truly was.

Pressing the down button firmly, I waited as one of the three elevators was summoned.

Unlike most hospitals, Mikaelson Memorial Hospital had a dedicated patient transport elevator alongside the public ones. However, that required a special key, so I rarely used it unless accompanying a patient.

As I heard one elevator wheeze and creak its way up, I wondered why anyone bothered with them at all.

They sounded horribly unsafe, and most humans avoided such risks.

But the fear of being trapped in an elevator didn't bother me. I had been stuck in several before, always finding my way out to safety within minutes.

There was one memorable occasion, though not under any urgency.

I smiled at the fond memory as the doors of elevator number two chimed open. Coincidentally, it was the same elevator Josie and I had been stuck in at Whitmore Hospital, years ago. Stepping inside, I sighed, recalling that rainy November afternoon in 2021.

Josie had brought me 'lunch,' and we had ended up stranded on our way to my office.

It was one of my favorite memories of us, alongside our wedding day.



Forty years ago, (Nov 2021)

"Oh gosh, this isn't good," Josie's face wore a worried expression as the elevator abruptly halted. She wasn't in any real danger, but confined spaces unsettled her. "What should we do now? We can't use magic here."

"Well, I think we're stuck between floors. There's a hatch at the top where we can exit and climb the cables to the next level, then force open the doors. It's simple, really, but we'd have to do it in under ten minutes to avoid raising suspicion. I've done it before, though it's been years."

"You're so good in emergencies, Hope. What would I do without you?" Her smile was faint, tension still evident.

At Whitmore Hospital, magic use was strictly forbidden for witches like us, except in emergencies, to maintain secrecy from the patients and other staff.

"It took nearly a decade to master the perks of my vampire side," I quipped, motioning towards the basket at our feet to lighten the mood.

It was filled with empty containers—a prop to maintain our facade as a normal married couple.

Josie's laughter tinkled lightly in the enclosed space. "Actually, I cooked today. Thought it would be nice to share some 'extras' with the nurses on your floor. There's lemonade, pasta salad, and beignets I baked." She sighed, sinking to the floor; I joined her, wrapping my arms around her.

"That's wonderful, Babe," I murmured into her hair, breathing in her honey and vanilla scent. "Your hospitality is unmatched. Must be exhausting, being the perfect housewife."

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