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.     once they were far away from the library. peter chuckled, making tara raise a brow at him.       .

""get her!"" he mocked ray.

tara rolled her eyes.

"that was your whole plan?" peter asked ray. "get her?" "it was scientific." he teased.

"i thought it was a good idea." tara voiced.

ray turned to her. "thank you."

she nodded in response.

"tara thinks everything you and egon do is cool." peter reminded him.

"yeah, because they're cool and you're not." she informed him.

peter pretended to act hurt.

"i-i just got overexcited." ray admitted. "i mean, but-but wasn't it incredible, pete? i mean, we actually touched the etheric plane."

trailing not too far behind was egon, who was busy looking at his PKE meter.

"you know what this could mean to the university?" he rambled.

tara went and joined with egon. wanting to know what he was working on.

"what is it?" tara asked him.

egon showed her the device, before going over to the boys to share to them what he had shared with tara.

"i wouldn't say the experience was completely wasted." egon noted. "according to these new readings, i think we have an excellent chance of actually catching a ghost and holding it indefinitely." he explained.

peter looked at them in disbelief.

"well, this is great!" ray cried.

egon and ray started walking together, leaving tara and peter behind.

peter quickly caught up to them, with tara following shortly behind.

"spengs, you serious about this catching a ghost?" peter questioned.

"i'm always serious." egon truthfully answered.

"don't question the professionals, dad." tara ordered.

"egon, i'm gonna take back some of the things i've said about you." peter confessed.

tara remembered all of the dumb things peter would say about egon and ray, going from dimwits to very foul words she'd rather not mention. he mostly said those things when he was drunk.

peter pulled out a candy bar, handing it to egon.

egon looked down at it in confusion.

"you've-you've earned it." he told him.

❖ RESURRECTION ( GHOSTBUSTERS ) ✓ Vol. 1 Where stories live. Discover now